Nashville, Nov. 6.
--As was anticipated, the report that there were 10,000 troops marching on to Hopkinsville from Henderson, Ky., has turned out to be a Federal deception.
A gentleman who arrived in Nashville on yesterday, and who left Louisville on Friday last, and passed through Henderson, reports that only a few Federal troops are at the latter place, and none between there and Hopkinsville.
A dispatch in the New York Times, date at Washington, October 31, says there is again great slackness in the way of enlistments, especially in the larger States. Enlistments are so few that the War Department propose to again return to the system of accepting men directly, without the interposition of State authorities.
The New York Harald's Washington dispatches of October 31st, state that President Lincoln informed certain United States Senators, who called upon him to know when a forward movement would take place that the responsibility of such a movement was left with Gen. McClellan, and that it was the purpose of the Executive to sustain him in undertaking whatever he advises.