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Mayor's Court.

--Recorder Caskie presiding.--As usual, John Barleycorn was well represented yesterday, in the persons of several individuals dressed in grey cloth, who were placed in the custody of a Government officer. The first civilian on the list was Thomas M. C. Turner, who, in addition to sundry other offences committed under the influence of liquid poison, insulted officer Quarles by spitting in his face while on the way to the cage, and of course was required to give security to keep the peace. Thomas Curtin and John McLeon were also charged with immoderate violations of the rules of total abstinence, but having proved that they were novices in the practice, were set at liberty. Three colored boys, with a decided French accent, arrested for straying from a Louisiana camp near the city, were placed in custody of the proper officers.

The city treasury was enriched by the imposition of several fines for violations of the ordinance requiring bar-rooms to be kept closed on Sunday; Fleming P. Gentry, $10; Wm. C. Hulcher, $10; Patrick McCarthy, $10; Catharine Garibaldi (second offence,) $20.

Jack Johnson, a pugnacious negro, was ordered 39 stripes, well laid on, for beating a white man named Peter Keagan. The Recorder felt strongly inclined to double the punishment, and assured the negro that no leniency would be shown him if he ever permitted his angry passions to rise to such a height again.

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