Warm Springs, Oct. 22, 1861.
Editors of Dispatch:--Excuse me for asking the publication, in your paper, of the enclosed list of hospital contributors.
It is right that the ladies, and others, should know that the articles have reached their destination, and my pressing engagements forbid my acknowledgement by letter.
Boxes received from the Rev. Mr. Baker, agent, Staunton; Ladies' Aid Society, Mount Carmel; ladies of Middle-brook; ladies of Augusta, Ga.; Ladies' Society, Lexington, Va.; ladies of Charlotte co., Va.; ladies of Blackerville; ladies of Waynesborough, Va.; Mrs. Wm. Clarke, and ladies of Halifax co.; Va.; and many others from ladies and societies which the Surgeons of hospitals have failed to report.
Aloof from the universal sympathy for the soldier which these contributions show, coming, as they do, from the neatly mansion and humble cottage, they indicate a like universal patriotism and deep interest in our present struggle.
The contributors will please accept the thanks of the army, and of the General commanding.