--An alarm of fire was sounded yesterday morning, about 1 o'clock, which was found to proceed from the First Ward, and flames were soon discovered bursting from a three-story brick building on 18th street, between Main and Franklin, owned and occupied by Mr. James Gunn, as a manufactory of stuff and smoking tobacco. The fire had progressed to a considerable extent when the engines arrived, and it was found impossible to check it until the interior of the building was in ruins, leaving nothing standing but the brick walls. The entire stock and fixtures of the establishment, including a steam engine, were also destroyed. A brick tenement adjoining on the north, occupied by Mr. J. L. Tenser, was a good deal damaged by fire and water. It is conjectured that the conflagration was caused by the heat of the steam engine, which was in use on the previous evening, though it is possible that the premises may have been fired by an incendiary, Mr. Gunn's building was insured for $2,000 in the Mutual company's office, but there was no insurance on stock or machinery. The loss is estimated at $6,000 to $7,000.