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War incidents.

--A gentleman who arrived by the Central train yesterday afternoon, having left the neighborhood of Aquia Creek on Tuesday, informs us that the battery there opened fire on a Federal war steamer that morning, sending several shots at her. The effect is not positively known, though it is believed that one or more of the shots took effect. Five other steamers, which had been -ing higher up the river, hastened to her relief but we were unable to learn whether or not they took any part in the action. We have received some information as to the operations of our forces at an important point on the Potomac, which prudence forbids us to mention at this time.

The Central train brought down twenty-five "Union" men, who constituted a portion of the ‘"Home Guard"’ of Hardy county, Virginia. They were captured by the Rock- Cavalry on the 21st of August, and that time been in prison at Mon- A more ragged, dirty, graceless set we never saw — good specimens, however, of the "Union" men of the Northwest. One of them declared himself an out-and-out Secession and seemed to think he had been captured through mistake. The prisoners were arraigned before Gen. Winder, and thence transferred to the usual place of refuge.

From our army on the Potomac there is a thing of especial interest. The pickets in siged in a good deal of firing on Tuesday but, so far as we could learn, without effect on either side.

Several improved ambulances are about to to Gen. Floyd's command. They are -tial vehicles, and each has two water underneath, fastened by iron straps.

The landing of a party of French officers at New Orleans was the only item of news for the public to speculate upon yesterday. The announcement will be found under the telegraphic head.

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