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The Vendetta.

--A Fearful Tragedy.--The Memphis Avalanche, of Monday, contains the following:

‘ A fearful tragedy occurred in the city Saturday evening, the sequel of a similar act that transpired at Pocahontas, Ark., some two or three months since. At that place, the wife of a pilot named Augustus Castilano had a difficulty with a sporting man named Samuel Tate, in regard to a pet bear belonging to the latter, when Tate informed her that if she had a male friend who would espouse her quarrel, he would meet him. On hearing this, Castilano, on the return to Pocahontas of the Kanawha Valley, procured a gun, and meeting Tate, shot and killed him, Castilano came to Memphis on the boat that brought the intelligence from Jacksonport, and was never arrested.

Hugh Tate, a brother to the man killed, since the occurrence has been hunting Castilano. He traced him to New Orleans, back to Jacksonport, from thence to Springfield, and then back to Memphis, where he arrived on the steamer Sam. Hale, Saturday. Tate had a requisition from the Governor of Arkansas for the arrest of Castilano, and securing the services of Captain Klink, together they proceeded on board the steamboat. On inquiry of the Captain of the Sam. Hale for Castilano, they were informed that he was in New Orleans. Capt. Klink left Tate on the boiler deck and proceeded to search for Castilano in the cabin. While he was absent, Tate saw Castilano sitting on the larboard side of the boat, and after accosting him, drew a navy repeater and shot him three times, killing him instantly. Capt. Klink immediately retraced his steps and attempted to arrest Tate, but he seemed to be terribly excited and fired one shot at the Captain, and holding, his pistol towards him, drew a bowie-knife and stabbed his victim, already dead, three times in the breast. He then started down the stairs leading to the main deck, a companion following him, who managed to detain the Captain until Tate got a considerable start. Klink called out to stop him, but Tate still had his pistol and knife drawn, and people were afraid to do so. He ran up the levee to Front Row, where a hack with a negro driver was standing, and jumping upon the seat seized the reins and drove off at full speed.

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Jacksonport (Arkansas, United States) (2)
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