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More Robberies by the Yankees--Confederate successes and Federal Failures.

A correspondent of the Romney Intelligencer, writing from Petersburg, Hardy county, Va., under date of Sept. 10th, contains the following interesting items of news:

‘ The farmers here have suffered heavily in the loss of stock. Abraham Inskeep, Esq., had stolen from his Alleghany farm 124 head of cattle and 400 sheep. Thomas Williams, Esq., lost 36 fine cattle on Thursday last.--They were about six miles from this point.--All of this valuable stock, to say nothing about horses, was stolen by Union Yankees.--Very few cattle remain in Western Hardy. In my estimate of last week I put it at $20,000; $50,000, or $75,000, are figures more nearly approximating the value of the stock thus far stolen.

On Saturday morning last, about 9 o'clock A. M., a regular fight occurred four miles upon Luney's creek. The Unon Yankees, or Vandals, which they truly are, took up a position five miles above here and went into a regular camp, robbing chicken roosts and corn fields for their provisions, and imagined, judging from their impudence, they would stay there without molestation, or even a show of fight from us. But they were soon doomed a signal and bitter disappointment. At the time already referred to thirty of the regular cavalry, and probably seventy citizens, armed with all kinds of shooting and cutting instruments, marched out to meet the foe, who had been variously computed from forty-three to one hundred--all well armed.

The charge of the cavalry under Orderly Sergeant Strain, on the enemy, was a grand feat indeed. Twelve of their pickets were about half a mile from their camp, and almost before they knew we were coming, we had them perfectly surrounded. Such locomotion you never witnessed. They ran in every direction, but nothing could save them from our horsemen and their guns. We fired many shots at them, more than for any other purpose. But they did not fire a singe gun at us.

We killed a young man by the name of William Caplinger, shooting him through both lobes of the brain, killing him instantly, and wounding another slightly. We captured eighteen of the cowardly rogues, sixteen United States stand of arms, all new and complete with everything; also, two other common rifle guns. Among the gang, are many noted offenders against the laws of this Commonwealth. The prisoners were all sent to Monterey the evening of the fight, and, I hope, they may soon have the pleasure of trying what virtue there is in hemp.

On yesterday, (Monday,) as the enemy were making a rapid, and, as they supposed, a certain march on Petersburg, numbering from one to two hundred well-armed men, most all regular Yankees, they were met by four scouts and two citizens on the Ridge road close to town, and were immediately on the roadside, probably not ten feet off, and discharged some fifty guns at our men, surrounding them instantly; but, strange to tell, they all escaped but one, having received a flesh wound in the thigh--Mr. Hoy, of the Rockbridge company. They then pursued our men with all possible speed, even to the house to which he had been carried, but just as they got in sight of the house, not more than 300 yards from the road, he was placed in a buggy and they gave chase to the buggy, running it a mile or more through the fields. The cavalry ran to the relief of their wounded comrade, and he thus escaped their fiendish pursuit.--He is a brave fellow, and I am glad to learn not dangerously hurt. They then returned, and remained in the road but a few hundred yards from where I now write until late in the evening, being evidently frustrated in their diabolical purpose of sacking Petersburg.

Seeing that we were disposed to give them a Virginia welcome, they relishing no such hospitality, they retreated rapidly and were folowed by many citizens, and exchanged the usual civilities, but without harming any one.

What will be this day's discoveries, and events, are unknown to fallible man. We have thus far, captured 26 Union Yankees and one regular built Yankee thief, and have them somewhere where they can learn ‘"Dixie"’ by note.

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