Tribute of respect.
--As a meeting of the First Company of the Howitzer Battalion, Capt. Shields presiding, held at their camp near Leesburg, Va., on the 16th of August, the following resolutions were adopted on motion of Sergeant Blackadar, seconded by Sergeant J. E. Cooke.
- 1. Resolved, That the members of this company have received the intelligence of the death of their friend and brother soldier of the Second Company Howitzer Battalion, R M First. with unaffected sorrow and that they deem it proper in some suitable manner, to express their sense of the loss foes inflicted by this sad event upon their Battalion and the service.
- 2. Resolved, That by the untimely decease of Mr. kirby the Battalion has lost a gentleman of high standing a faithful friend of liberty, and a social companion, valued and beloved by all who knew him.
- 3. Resolved, That these resolutions be entered upon the records of this company, and the same be communicated to the family of the deceased as a token of the high esteem in which he was held, and the regret felt by this command at the sad intelligence, and that they be sent to the Richmond papers for publication, and that other copies be forwarded to the Second and Third Companies of this Battalion.