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Acknowledgment of contributions.

To the Editors of the Dispatch:--Will you permit me, through your columns, to return my sincere thanks for the valuable contributions placed in my hands for the benefit of the Alabama Hospital and of our troops in serviced From Mobile, Ala., through the R. H. Smith, $500; Baptist Church, Tuskegee, $103.50; Mobile Military Aid Society $203 and 4 boxes; Gen. Fair, $50; from Gen. W. B. S. Gilmer, of Chambers county, through Hon. w. P. Chilton, $100; from Alabama, through Hon. T. L. M. Curry, $140; Cranz for brandy, wine, &c.; two boxes from ladies' Aid Society, Montgomery, Ala.; for Johns, for a number of acceptable commands, including a few of those fine double jackets from Tennessee; Dr. B. W. Whitfield, Demop s, $35. Will not all the Confederate States unite and form one general society and hospital depot for the benefit of our suffering soldiers.

Very respectfully,
Mrs. N. F. Hopeins.

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