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[from the Sunday Delta.]

A is Taken Prisoner, and Se Dispatches.

War is a big thing; and I have a good right to say it. For haven't I been in the war? Didn't I fight, bleed, and have the narrative of my coat violently, ruthlessly and murderously abbreviated by the ry sword bayonet of a bloody New York Fire Zouave Wasn't I taken prisoner by the same Zouave ‘"at Bull Run,"’ and unceremoniously ushered in the presence of the McDowell? War is a big thing, and I desire to stand to the assertion.

It matters not how Klubs and I chanced to be at the battle of Bull Run. We were there on business of my uncle Davy--and that's sufficient.

Whilst Klubs and I were seated in a tree and indulging in loud huzzahs of general glorification at the defeat of the Federalists and the triumph of our arms, we were surprised by the appearance of half a dozen villainous looking Federal Zouaves, of the ‘"pet lamb" ’ style, who presented their pieces, and gave us choice of ‘"cooning it"’ down the tree, or having our de cent to terra firm accelerated by the additional weight of three ounces of 1 ed.

We it down, and it was then I lost the appendage to my coat, which the Zouaves kept as a trophy.

Klubs was ferociously and cruelly separated from me, and taken — I know not where — In utter defiance of all military rule, I, Asa Harts, was forced to step 29 inches at each stride, for a distance of four miles, until, with my escorts, I reached the quarters of the puissant McDowell, who backed the Federal troops in their attack and led them in their retreat.

The McDowell asked me who I was. Told him I was Asa Harts. He dismissed my captors and told me he would be compelled to send me on to Washington, as be had been instructed to secure me, dead or alive, and at the hazard of his entire division. In view of the vast importance of the affair, I kindly advised him to rip ahead.

I was immediately seat to Washington, under guard of fourteen Zouaves and two bottles of brandy, and was ushered into the presence of Gen. Scott, who happened to be taking the oath of allegiance at the time.

The old General was delighted to see me, (he is a Son of Malta) and immediately in formed the Lincolns of my capture. They lost no time in coming to Scott's headquarter — Old Ab , Mrs. L. and the veritable Bob, (all Sons of Malta.) My status in the er gave me a passport direct to their best feelings, and I was not only allowed to go at large, but was invited by General Scott to make his home mine. He also assured me that the grand army would immediately march on Manassas and that I should be the first rebel, not in the Confederate army, to near of the defeat of my countrymen.

‘"Bully!"’ said I. And old F & F was soft enough to think I didn't know something. With the pious ejaculation, ‘"Oh, my country,"’ he immediately proceeded to take the oath of allegiance again.

I left the General and took a stroll with Bob. Bob talked freely about the national troubles, and wound us by telling me he didn't care a continental — how things went so long as the old woman had the run of the old man's rhino; and if Jeff Davis wanted to take possession of Washington, all he asked was that the family be permitted to leak out before the Confederates got in.

Thus I was allowed to go where I pleased until Sunday morning, the 21st July, when I was summoned to the presence of General Scott.

‘"Asa,"’ said he, with his foot in a bucket of ice water, ‘"look at that dispatch, which I have just received from our brave General McDowell. Don't you think your Jeff. Davis, (here a horrible pain seemed to strike the old man) and your Beauregard, and your Johnston had better simmer down? Do you think they can stand before our brave 60,000."’

I didn't have any better sense than to tell old F. & F I thought they could. I read the dispatch, however, whch was as follows:

Just this side of Stone Bridge, 8 A. M.

--We are moving along slowly and surely, taking masked batteries wherever we can pick'em up. We expect to reach Richmond--160 miles--this afternoon, in time to adjourn the Confederate Congress. Fifty members of the U. S. Congress are with me They pleaded so bard for permission to see the rebels run, that I have concluded to let them enjoy that privilege.

(Signed.) Irvin McDowell.
Gen. Scott had just finished cursing General Wool, and taking the oath or allegiance when his messenger brought him the second dispatch, which was as follows:

Just this side Stone Bridge, 9 A. M.

--Just took another masked battery and captured two wheelbarrows. On this capture I think a series of events will turn. Scouts report to me that there is a large force rebels just ahead. If this be true, you may tell that rebel, Asa Harts, that he will have the scalp of his General, Beauregard, in Washington at 9 o'clock to-morrow morning.

(Singed,) McDewell.
Gen. Scott grinned audibly at this dispatch, and took the oath again. He had not finished before the following dispatches were received:

Stone Bridge, 9½ A. M. To Gen. Scott
--The scout's report is true; we have opened fire with our cannon on the rebels. They have not returned it. I calculate they will surrender. If you have no objection, I will stipulate the terms of surrender.

(Signed) McDowell
P. S.--In answer to my demand to surrender, Beauregard says he will see me d — d (dead) first. They have opened fire, too, and would you believe it, General, the rebels actually put balls in their guns — a proceeding on their part to which my men seriously object. (Signed,) McDowell.

Stone Bridge. 10½ A. M. To Gen. Scott
--A drummer belonging to the Confederate Zouaves has deserted to our side. He says the rebels have a force now against us of about $75,000 men. He is quite an acquisition to our ranks.

(Signed,) McDowell.
Gen. Scott pursed his lips and asked me if our Zouave drummers had any very general reputation for truth. I told him that not one of them had ever been known to tell a lie — Where did I suppose Davis could have mustered up 675 000 men? I answered that ever two million men in the Confederacy had offered their services to President Davis, who wouldn't receive them, because they had offered to pay their own expenses, and only charge the Government fifteen cents a scalp for every Federalist they killed. Scott drank some sherry and proceeded to take the oath again, when the messenger arrived with the following dispatch:

Stone Bridge. 1 P. M. To Gen. Scott
--Senator Wilson is fixing up a big dinner at Centreville, to which I am invited with my staff officers, He has some twenty-four baskets of champagne on hand to wash down, he suavely viands. Shall I send you a "hasty plat s up?" Expecting to take breakfast and dinner on Richmond to-morrow, I have had bolls of fare for the meals printed. The dishes are exclusively French, and will be the best to be found in this rebel State.

(Signed') McDowell.
Gen. Scott shed tears when he come to that part of the dispatch which spoke of the dinner. But he s ffed his sobs, took the oath again and received the following:

Stone Bridge, 3 P. M. To Gen. Scott:
That Zouave drummer has played us a mean trick. The scoundrel had originally deserted from our side. The Confederates wouldn't have him, because he was filthy. As he had the seven years itch, they gave him eighty-five cents to come on our side again and give the disease to our soldiers.--After mixing with my men, and giving the itch to two whole regiments from Connecticut, he managed to pass our lines, and escaped. As a consequence of this the regiments above named have taken to the woods at full speed, and are scratching and rubbing themselves against the bushes as they run. Nor is this all. The itch has spread throughout my entire force, and the army is becoming demoralized; so much so that I should not be surprised if my entire force should be taken to the woods before night. I regret also to inform you that the rebels got hungry and captured. Senator Wilson's dinner, just as he was about to send for me to help him eat it.

(Signed) McDowell.
"Orderly! bring me another tub of ice water immediately " thundered the old General he threw down the dispatch. Being me my oath, toe!" he added, and swore again to support the Federal Government. Bob Lincoln laughed all over. Another dispatch came in:

Just Outside Alexandria, 7 P. M. To Gen. Scott.
The enemy is running; but we are before them. My division is making splendid time and long tracks, with the prints of their heels towards the rebels. The Zouave drummer has raised the devil with us. I have got that internal itch myself.

(Signed,) McDowell.

Wor i cannot sive an idea of Gen. Scott's wrath as he manifested it on this occasion. He ordered me from his quarters, and would doubtless have had me confined if Bob had not taken me away speedily.

I am still in Washington, and although no one but Bob will talk to me, I can gather a good deal that is going on. Jeff Davis is expected here every moment. Lincolns has got Lowe's balloon all ready, with that Herring Patent Sale fastened to it. The first Confederate bayonet that shown itself in Alexandria will be the signal to cut the ropes, and Old Ab will swing off into space. Mrs. Lin-

coln has gone to Utah, and Seward hasn't been seen to-day.

I am informed that some Confederate colporteur got into the ranks of the Federal army and distributed amongst the soldiers tracts containing the Parable of the Prodigal Son — It must be so, if I may be allowed to judge by the number of Yankee soldiers who have suddenly discovered that they have fathers, and are willing to return to their homes.

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