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Practical patriotism.

--The Thomasville (Ga.) Enterprise notices an instance of noble devotion to our cause, as follows:

Mrs. Lucy Linton, wife of Major M. W. Linton, of this county, has manufactured and deposited with the Clerk of the Superior Court, for immediate transportation to Milledgeville, a stock of army clothing, consisting of 106 pairs pants, 104 shirts, 30 pairs drawers and half a dozen marino hose, these consuming all the material she had on hand. Mrs. Linton considers this, however, as only the beginning of her labors, as she is resolved to continue the good work for a long time to come. Her husband also has determined to subscribers whole cotton crop for Confederate Bonds, and as the Maj is one of the wealthiest planters of Thomas co., it will add considerably to the cotton subscription of the country. The whole hearts of this worthy couple are in the cause of the Confederate States, and cannot be surpassed in pure and ready patriotism. The Major roundly declares that all his wealth, his honor and his very life are now and shall be at the service of his country. Can a country swarming with such men and women ever be ‘"crushed"’--‘"conquered?"’ Never!

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