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[for the Richmond Dispatch.]
subscriptions for the sick and wounded.

Messrs Editors: Please acknowledge through your paper the following subscriptions to the sick and wounded soldiers:

George Parry, Granville, N. C.$20.00
William M. Watkins, Charlotte, N. C.100.00
Soldiers' Aid Society of Charlotte, through Miss Margaret Watkins25.00
Sundry citizens of Hanover, through Colonel Sydnor22.25
Ira L. Bowles, New Kent25.00
Martin & Kugh, Henrico15.00
Mrs. McArthur, S. C.5.00
R. A. Bur, Albany, Geo.20.00
Mrs. M. B. Chamberlayne5.00

Isaac W. Walker,

Chairman Committee of Collection.

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