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The war cry.

--Beauty and Booty Inscribed on their Banners.--We have heretofore informed our readers that the war cry of the Northern Vandals, the would be subjugators of a free people, was ‘"Beauty and Booty,"’ the same used by the British when marching upon New Orleans. The Submissionists hereabouts, the apologists for the Lincoln invaders, have been swift to deny the fact, and have even gone so far in toryism as to abuse Southern people for denouncing the atrocity. Now, we have never doubted that such was the war cry, and another indisputable fact we have, and that is, that a regiment paraded the streets of New York with the identical war cry inscribed on their banners Citizens of Louisville saw the banner, and plainly read the motto--Beauty and Booty. This was the banner they marched under, and its appearance on the streets of New York was rapturously received and welcomed with the loud shouts of the multitude.--Louisville Courier.

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