Hard Pusmed for soldiers.
--The columns of the daily papers show that Lincoln's officers are begging hard for recruits for the irrepressible conflict." It were no wonder if, cut of the thousands who are now on the very verge of starvation, through the madness of the Washington Administration, some should be driven to accept of bread at the expense of their sympathies, and even at the risk of their lives. We were no little amused at the remark of one of these recruiting bailiffs, to the effect that ‘"none but young men of good character heed apply."’ The good character of this Lincoln army may be shrewdly guessed at when the fact is known that the criminals from the jails and the paupers from the almshouses are among the select party.We've been informed that the jail of this city has been visited, and a number confined for various offences have had their fines paid, and have been enlisted into the patriot army intended for the subjugation of the South. It is further said that our almshouse has been visited, and the sturdy vagrants of that institution have been gathered into the fold of Abraham. These are the materials selecting to carry on the ‘"Irrepressible conflict,"’ and through whose agency Lincoln and his fanatical advisers hope to exterminate the South.
These are the creatures whom they promise to give the fair inheritance of our Southern brothers. We rather think the promise will be like that of Satan, who promised to give ‘"all the kingdoms of the world and the glory thereof"’ to the Saviour, on condition that he would worship him, while the fact was the miserable imposter had no title to a feet of the universe. So with Old Abe and his Cabinet — they are promising the ‘"sunny South,"’ with all its golden harvests, to the starving hirelings of the North, while they have no more title to any portion of it than their great prototype, the arch-fiend, had to the worlds he promised.--Baltimore Republican.