Judge F. W. Hulling, a sugar plant Plaquemine, La., was killed on the Jack Railroad at Amite City, on the 22d, by train running over him.
It was reported in Washington, on the of June, that Vice-President A. H. Step was dead.
The four States of Maine, Massachuset New Hampshire and New York, have an gregate of thirty-seven living ex-Govern
Wm. G. Robertson, of Montgomery Md., was instantly killed by lightening Wednesday of last week.
Sunday, the 22d ult., was the hottest experienced for many years at Charleston C. The thermometer indicated 101.
The Rev. Dr. Tyng has become the proprietor and manager of the Fr- Churchman.
Victor Emanuel sent magnificent pr- to Garibaldi's daughter on the occasion marriage.
The niece of a sheep sheared at Tol- week, weighed 29 ¼ pounds.
Col. Colt's, the revolver man, city ta- Hartford, Conn., are $5,750 per annum.
The verdict in the Burch divorce ca- been set aside, and a new trial is granted.