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The public Works.

The latter part of last week there was a Convention of Contractors on the Covington and Ohio Railroad in this city, to consider the question of whether they would go on with their contracts under the present low price of State stock or not. The subject was considered most earnestly, Mr. Fisk, the accomplished Engineer of the road, being present to aid the meeting in its deliberations. It was finally determined that, without some aid from the Board of Public Works or the Legislature, the work must be suspended. Application, it was determined, should at once be made to the Board, and if unsuccessful, to the Legislature when it meets. It is to be hoped that measures will be taken to prevent the stoppage of the work. The sufferings of the laborers will be most severe should they be thrown out of employment, and the road, left in its present state, would be liable to damage that would cause severe loss to the State.

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