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Horrible Affray--a mother killed by her Son.

‘ --A most distressing affair occurred last week at the house of James Nesbit, in Green township, Mercer county, Pa. It appears that some years ago a brother of Mr. N. became insane while attending college at Westminster, and was sent to the asylum for treatment. He remained there until last summer, when, under the belief that he would be better at home, he was removed to his brother's house. On Thursday last, Mrs. Nesbit undertook to correct one of the children, which so incensed the young man that be chased her out of the house. She ran to a neighbor's for assistance, and during her absence the lunatic attacked his mother with a chair, beating the old lady to such an extent that almost instant death ensued. The murderer was secured, and will no doubt be returned to the asylum, where he will receive that treatment which his case calls for.--

Pittsburg Post, Dec. 4th.

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