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Naval Intelligence

--No Money.--The next European mail will probably bring us news of the arrival on the Mediterranean station of the United States steamers Richmond and Susquehanna. The Richmond will doubtless attract the attention of the naval authorities of Europe, as she has not been built exactly after old models. The Susquehanna will not be inferior to any side-wheel steamer in the Straits, while the gunboat Iroquois is reported to have surpassed the British and French ships of her class on the squadron.

The greatest hardship prevails among the naval officers, sailors, sailors' wives, and others, owing to the non-arrival of the usual monthly money from the Treasury. Officers have been insulted by butchers, grocers, tailors, &c., sailors are daily rebuffed by hungry land sharks and sutlers; and poor women whose husbands, away on the ocean, have left them half pay, are suffering fearfully because of their inability to fulfill their pecuniary obligations. No pen can adequately describe the wretchedness which even a week's delay of payment renders in the Navy. The money for the Savannah's crew was received and paid to them in Brooklyn, New York, Wednesday.

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