Apples.--Northern $2.50@3.50; Virginia $1 to $3 per bbl; Va. Pippins $2.50 to $4.
Bacon.--Sides 12¼@12½c.; Shoulders 10 ¼c.; plain Hams 12; Sugar-cured 13@13½c.; Toud's Sugar-cured Hams 15
Bags — Seamless Bags, 25; Manchester do., 12@ 23, Gunny do., 12@14
Beans,--White $1.37½@1.50 per bushel,
Beeswax.--32 to 33--active.
Brooms.--$2@3, according to quality.
Buckets, &c.--Painted Buckets $1.8736@$2 per dozen; three hoop Painted Pails $2.25@2.50 per dozen; heavy Cedar Tubs, neat, $3.50@5 per nest; heavy Cedar Feed Buckets $6.50 per dozen.
Butter.--We quote good Butter at 20 to 25; inferior 8 to 10
Candles,--Tallow 15 per lb.; Jackson's 15; Hult's 16 cts.; Adamantine 20@23; Sperm. 43; Patent Sperm 54@56
Cement.--James River $1.70@1.80 per bbl.; Northern Rosendale at $1.70@1.80.
Coal.--White and Red Ash Anthracite Coal, for $6.50 per cart load of 23 bushels, per ton of 2.240 lbs. $7; Foundry do. $7 per ton of 2.240 lbs.; Luminous Lump $5 per load of 25 bushels; Hall $4.50, Smiths' Coal 2@14 per bushel.
Coffee.--We quote Rio 14½@15½c.; Laguayra, none in market; Java 16½@17 cts.; Mocha 18 cents. Market
Coke.--For city consumption $5 per cart load of per bushels, for sort lump; soft hall $4.50. Hard lump and hall $4.50.
Corn.--We quote 65@70 cts. per bushel.
Corn Meal--85 cts. per bushel.
Cotton.--8½ to 12 cents.
Cotton Yarns, &c.--Cotton Yarns 21 @22 cts.; Cotton Cordage 24 cts.; Seine Twine 27 cts.; Carpet Warp 22 cts.; Wrapping Twine 22 cts.
Dried Fruit.--No arrivals. We quote nominally $1@1.25 per bushel.
Feathers — In demand at 46 cts. Stock small; better supply.
Fertilizers.--We quote Peruvian $58; Ruffin's Phosphor Peruvian $50 per ton; Aa Mexican $25; klide Island $18; Patagonian $25; Sombrero $30; Navassa, or Brown Columbian $30; Reese's Manipulated Guano, $50; Rhodes' Super Phosphate of Lime $46.50 per ton; Robinson's Manipulated Guano $50 per ton; Hartman's (Richmond) Amoniated Super Phosphate Lime $40 per ton; do. Manipulated Guano $50 per ton; do. Bone Dust $33 per ton.
Fish,--New Nova Scotia Herrings, gross, $2.75@ $3; No. 1 Halifax Cut Herrings $3.25@$3.50 from store. No North Carolina in market.--Mackerel, large No. 3. new, $8.50; small do., $5.
Flaxseed--$1.20@1.40 per bushel.
Flour.--We still quote as last week; but there is so little doing that the rates may be considered nominal. To the trade, Superfine $6.50@6.75; Extra fine 7@7.25; Family $7.75@8.00. No sales to shippers.
Flour barrels--40 to 44 cts. for city made; Country have sold recently at from 20 to 30 cts.
Fruits.--Oranges--Havana. $9 per barrel. Sicily, none. Lemons--Malaga $4.50; French $5.50 per box. Raisins--(New crop,--Bunch, in bxs., $3, Layer $3.25, Figs--New 18; Old 8@10 per lb. Frunes--8 to 40 cts. per lb. according to quality and style.
Ginseng.--35@40 cents, and in demand.
Grass Seeds--We quote prime Clover Seed 6.25 $6.50; nominal. Timothy 4@$4.25 per bushel.--Orchard Crass $2.
Gunpowder.--Dupont's and Hazard's Sporting $5.75; Blasting $3.75; Eagle Canister $14.25; Ffp Canister $8.20. In quantities of twenty kegs and upwards, 50 cents a keg less.
Hay,--We quote $1.15 per cwt.
Hides — Salted 8½@9 cts.; Dry 11@13 cts; Calf skins, green, $1@1.12. South American, none.
Roof Poles — Flour bbl. $7.50@9 per 1,000; hhd. poles, no sales.
Iron and Nails,--Pig. Iron $28@34, as in quality and quantity; Swedes $400 per ton; English Refined $70; Tredegar $85; Common English $60; American country $95, Cut Nails 3¼@3½c. per lb.
Lard.--Western Lard 13 cents in bbls.; kegs 23@13½c.
Lead,--We quote 6¼@6½ cts. per lb for pig; bar 6½@7.
Leather.--We quote good stamp, middle weights 22@23 per lb; over weights 20@21; light 21@21½c.; good damaged 18½@20; poor 14@27; upper leather $1.50@$4. as to size, weight and quality; Harness 35@36; Skirting, in the rough, 25@28; finished 31@35 cts.
Lime.--85 to $1 from wharf. From store, we quote Northern $1.12¼ Virginia 90@$1.
Liquors--Brandy: Otard, & Co., $3.25@ per gallon; A. Seignette, $2¼@4½; Sazerac $3¼@7; Hennessey, $3¼@7½; Peach, scarce at $1¼@2¼; Virginia Apple, 60@85 cts.; do. old, 75@ $1.50; Northern do., 55@85 cts.; imitation, 45@47½ cts.--Rum: New England, 40@45 for mixed; 50@55 for pure, Gin: Holland, $1.20@1.75.
Lumber.--Clear White Pine, $45; refused do. $29; merchantable, $20@25 per bl. One inch yellow Pine Plank 10@12; three-quarter do. 9@11 ; 1¼ do. $14@16; 1¼ do. $1@14; do. $12.50@15. Flooring $18@20, face measure; Scantling $11@13 for heart and sap; all heart $16@20, according to size. Garden Rails, heart and sap, 12½@13 each; all heart 18@20 Shingles $5@6 per M. Weather Boarding $18@16. Inch Oak Plank $30@35. Buttonwood Inch $25@30. Inch Cherry $35; Popular $20@25 per M. Dressed Flooring, Virginia, $25@28. Dressed Flooring, Southern, 28@30. $2.25 to $2.37 per M for sawed, on the wharf.
Molasses.--New Orleans 50@55 cts., Cuba Muscovado, in bbls., 32@37; cts., in hhds., 25@30; English Island, 37 cts.; Ochenhousen's, 28.
Oats.--We quote 40 cents per bushel.
Offal.--Bran 15 cts.; Shorts 20; Brown Stuff 30, and Ship Stuff 60 per bus.
Onions.--Red $2 per bbl. of near three bushels; Silver-skin $2½.
Peas,--None in market.
Plaster.--Lump — We quote $4 to 4¼ per ton.
Claiborne's Richmond Ground $8.50 per ton packed; Sharpe's do. packed $8.50; loose 7.50.
Potatoes,--We quote Northern 60@65 cents per bushel.
Rosin,--$1.70@1.75 per bbl.
Rye.--We quote 75@80 cents per bushel.
Salt.--Last sales from wharf $1.65; from store $1.75 per sack.
Saltpetre--9@10 per lb.
Seneca Root--35@37½c.
Shot--7@7¼ cash, and time as to quantity, for drop and buck.
Starch — Corn 6@6½; Pearl 7@8½c.
Staves — Good oak, for flour barrels, we quote at $5 per thousand; Machine cut $7@$8.
Sugars.--New Orleans Sugar, none in market. Cuba 7½@8½c: Porto Rico 8@9¼c., Loaf 11@11¼c.; Crushed and Powdered 10¼c.; Coffee Sugar; A 10; B 9¾c.; Extra C 9¼c.
Tar.--$2@2.25 per bbl.
Teas.--imperial and Gunpowder 55 $@1.20.
Tobacco.--There is still no change in Tobacco, and quotations are little more than nominal. We quote inferior Lugs at $2.25@2.50, good and fine $3@3.50; inferior Leaf $5@7, good $8@9; fine manufacturing scarce, price $12.50@20; good and fine English $6.50@10.50, fancy cases $20@90.
Wheat.--The scarcity of money has effected the Wheat market for some days. We quote now, good to prime red $1.20@1.25; good to prime white $1.30@1.35. These are cash prices. On time, 5 to ten cents more can be obtained.
Whiskey,--Richmond Rectified 20@21 cents; Stearns' Old Malted Rye $1. other qualities 75@$1.50 per gallon.
Wines.--Port, Burgundy $1@2.50 per gallon; Port Juice $2.50@4. Madeira, Sicily 45@$1.75; Old Madeira $2.50@4. Sherry, Permartin, Duff and Gordon, Amontillado $2@6.
Wood — Wholesale; Oak $3.50@$3.75 per cord; Pine $2.75@$3. Retail: Oak $5; Pine $4.50.
Wool.--Tub Washed sold at 35@37; unwashed third less. Fleece as in quality.
Cattle, Hogs, Sheep, &c.
Beef.--Sales the present week at extremes of $3 to $4.50 per cwt gross. Supply heavy and market dull.Veal.--Out of season; but a few still command $3 to $8 per head.
Sheep.--Quality indifferent and supply mode rate. We quote $3 to $5 per cwt. gross, and $3 to $5.50 per head according to quality.
Hogs.--$8.25@8.50 for corn fed, and $8 for others.
Foreign.--Freights and the value of ships at this time, have become very interesting to commerce and agriculture, by reason of higher rates than for many years, caused by the vast export of breadstuff. Several vessels have been recently chartered to load Tobacco for ports in France and Italy and for Liverpool. The fine bark Pioneer, belonging to Messrs De Voss & Co., is loading with Tobacco at 40s. per hhd., and with Flour at 4 per bbl.; and the Virginia Dare, a Richmond and Liverpool liner, will succeed her at similar rates of cargo, already provided. The British ship Juanita, for London, has also been chartered at 45s. for Tobacco, and will load immediately; and the British bark Reuben, and several others, are chartered to load Flour and grain for Great Britain, all of which will swell our exports, in spite of the dolorous forebodings of disruption and secession.
Money matters.
The Money market is easier since suspension by the Banks; but the rates of Exchange and Specie are unsettled, and we can give no satisfactory quotation. Exchange on New York has sold at 6 per cent. premium. Holders are demanding more, though there is little to sell. Gold has also been sold at 6 per cent. prem. Some holders are demanding more.With regard to bankable notes, the Banks are undetermined yet what to do. It is probable some understanding will be had to-day.
North Carolina notes are 5 per cent, below par. and the notes of the Miners' and Planters' Bank of Murphy, in that State, are 15 per cent, below par. Murphy is the Court-House of Cherokee co., N. C., 367 miles southwest of Raleigh.
South Carolina notes are 10 per cent, below par.
Sales of Stock in Richmond,
By John A. Lancaster & Son, No, 197 Main st. two doors above Farmers' Bank, for the week ending November 22, 1860.Virginia 6 per cent. Registered Bonds, sales $80.
Richmond City Bonds, sales $86.
Petersburg City Bonds — no recent sales.
Lynchburg City Bonds — no recent sales.
Norfolk City Bonds — no recent sales.
Exchange Bank Stock, last sales $104¼--offered at $100
Farmers' Bank Stock, last sales, held at $100.
Bank of Virginia Stock, last sales, held at $70.
Bank of the Commonwealth Stock, last sales $97. no recent sales.
Richmond and Danville R. R. Bonds, guaranteed by State of Va. No recent sales.
Virginia Central R. R. Bonds, guaranteed by State of Va. No recent sales.
City of Petersburg Bonds, guaranteed by State of Va. No recent sales.
Old Dominion Insurance Company Stock, last sales $28
Richmond Fire Association Stock, last sales $40, no recent sales.
Virginia Fire and Marine Insurance Stock. No sales since dividend.
Merchants Insurance Stock,
Virginia Central R. R.
Virginia Central R. R. 2d Mortgage Bonds — no recent sales.
Virginia and Tennessee R. R. 1st Mortgage Bonds,--no recent sales.
Virginia and Tennessee R. R. 2nd Mortgage Bonds,--no recent sales.
Virginia and Tennessee R. R. 3rd Mortgage Bonds,--no recent sales.
Orange and Alexandria R. R. 3 per cent. Bonds, last sales $90
Richmond and York River R. R. 8 per cent, Bonds, last sales $90
Manassas Gap R. R. 6 per cent. Bonds, offered at $65.
South-Side R. R. Bonds, last sales $60--no recent sales.
South-Side R. R. Bonds, guaranteed by Petersburg, sales $83.
Richmond, Fredericksburg and Potomac Railroad Stock, sales $80
Virginia Central Railroad Stock, last sales $50.
Richmond and Petersburg Railroad Stock, last sales $64.
Richmond and Danville Railroad Stock, last sales $60.
lames River and Kanawha Stock, last sales $18 ½--no recent sales.
Virginia Life Insurance Company Stock, last sales $111.
Insurance Company of State of Virginia, sale on time $115.
The Baltimore American's Commercial Report (Wednesday, Nov. 21,) says:
There was a decidedly more cheerful aspect prevailing in commercial circles to-day, but financial matters are without much change, Money on the street is difficult to obtain, capitalists being very careful as to how they invest. The rates on the street may still be quoted at 1½@1¾per cent. for strictly first class gilt edged paper. The Banks to-day were doing all they could to accommodate their customers; but this was not much, and in order further to relieve the business community we learn that there was a meeting held of all the Bank officers in the city, to take into consideration the present position of affairs. As the result of that meeting, we are authorized to state that it was resolved to suspend specie payments this morning. At the Corn Exchange there was a much firmer feeling evinced on the part of holders, and although the closing rates of yesterday were offered freely, they were not accepted Since Change, however, we learn that sales of Flour were made at an advance of 12 ½ cents per bbl.--Grain was anything but active, and prices to day show a still further decline. Sellers find it, very difficult to find cash purchasers, and there are but few who are willing to sell on time, even for the very best paper. In other branches of trade there is nothing whatever being done. The Stock Board, notwithstanding the unsettled state of monetary affairs, all the stocks on the list to day show considerable firmness, but there was very little done, the sales adding up about $20,000. In Railroad stocks we note more firmness.
Cincinnati, Nov. 21.--All kinds of produce is greatly depressed, and our markets are very much unsettled. There is very little demand, and prices are nominal. Flour is offered at $4.25. Wheat has declined 5 cts.; red 85 cts., white 95 cts. Corn is dull at a decline of 2 cts Hogs are dull with more disposition to sell by owners. Buyers are expecting a further decline and there was nothing done to-day. Produce is in no demand, and prices are nominal. The money market is stringent, but the demand is not pressing. Rates quoted at 12 to 15 per cent for first-class paper. The currency market is more unsettled. The notes of the Bank of Virginia and its branches were thrown out of Bank to-day, and are held at 10 per cent, discount.
The Louisville Courier of Saturday says. The market for hogs remains exceedingly dull, and packers are not disposed to purchase lots of size. They are freely offered at 6 net without finding buyers. There are several thousand in the market for sale, but packers will not make any offer. The weather to-day was unfavorable for slaughtering, and only one house was in operation for a while in the morning, and the total number slaughtered to-day was 500 head, with 2,260 head left over in the pens in the evening. A large number of the November purchases are due, and will no doubt arrive before the close of the present week. All of the houses, with the exception of Watkins, Hart & Co, expect to be in full blast by the first of next week, and they do not expect to commence until about the 25th of the present month.
The New York Journal of Commerce of Wednesday afternoon, noticing the money market, says:
‘ The market opened with a great pressure from borrowers, and but little facility for passing paper in the street. The suffering among merchants and dealers has probably been as great as at any period of the season. After meridian it leaked out in the street that the Banks were in consultation, and were seriously intent on devising a method of relief, and this led to a more hopeful feeling among borrowers. But for this, the anxiety among Bank customers was so intense that we should not have been surprised at its expression in something more than words. We suppose that it is of little use to preach patience to those who are suffering, but we would suggest that the manifestation of vindictive feelings against banks or capitalists cannot possibly do any good, and may, if indulged to any considerable extent, lead to an increase of the common suffering.
’ Foreign Exchange is without material change. The Bank Committee appear to be still undecided in respect to the best method of making purchases, but we look for some action very soon.
The Stock market broke down this morning, and things for awhile looked very blue at the Stock Exchange, but there was a letter feeling at the close, and prices afterwards improved in the street.
Sales in New York, Nov. 21, of $9,500 Va. 6's at 80; $5,000 do. at 79 ½; $3,000 do. at 79; and $3,000 do. at 78; $67,000 Tenn. 6's at 75, and $33,000 Mo. 6's at 68 ¼ @69.