Stormy meeting
--"Minute Men."--Gov. Wise spoke at Oxford Hall in Portsmouth last Saturday night, to an immense throng, chiefly in support of the Princess Anne resolutions. The Transcript says:‘ He occupied four hours, and when a motion was made and seconded to adopt the same programme here, a perfect storm prevailed among the friends and opponents of the Minute Men project. It is admitted by all parties that nothing like it was ever witnessed here before. The difficulty grew out of a misunderstanding with regard to the character of the meeting, some parties asserting that it was a citizens' meeting and others that it was a democratic demonstration, to which all parties were invited as hearers and voters, but not as speakers. At any rate, it was after 12 o'clock when quiet was restored and the meeting had to adjourn before reaching a vote. The upshot of it is, that Minute Men are already in course of organization here, and 600 or 700 will be enrolled before to-morrow morning. It is not to be a party organization in any respect, but will receive any gentleman who is friendly to Virginia and her sister Southern States.