Correspondence of the Richmond Dispatch.
Rappahannock county doing her duty.
Rappahannock Co., Va. June 22.
According to the return of the Commissioner of Revenue in the spring of 1860, there was enrolled less than 750 men capable of bearing arms; out of these in and ready for service we have seven companies, viz: Captain John S. Green's Cavalry, numbering about 90 men; two companies of infantry to barracks, one commanded by Capt. Thomas B. Massie, numbering 100 men, the other by Captain Wm. J. Williams, numbering 75 men; also another company in barracks at another point, commanded by Capt., Walden, numbering 80 men. We have, also, three other companies organized, but not in barracks, viz: one commanded by Captain Gibson, numbering 60 men; one by Capt. Vanderslice, numbering 50 men; one by Col. Deatharage, 45 men, forming Cavalry for the Wise Legion.
These latter companies will be filled and ready for service in a few weeks.
Besides these, we have about twenty men who have joined volunteer companies in the adjoining counties.
Out do this little county, if you can, in volunteering. T. A. J.