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How to load the rifle muskets.

--Some stupids down near Boston have been loading the United States rifle muskets with cartridges made of heavy paper, and finding that they do not work well, complain of the rifles as in fault. The fact is, that no paper should be used in loading these arms. First, the powder is poured in from the cartridges, and then the ball is dropped on top, and will go home of itself, but a gentle tap of the ramrod is useful to fill the cavity of the ball with powder, and leave no opportunity for the gas generated by the explosion to escape but behind the ball. The rifle musket is every way a model one, and can be loaded quicker than the old-fashioned smooth-bore musket with the round ball, while it fires much farther, and with greater precision and force. Heretofore it has been made with the Maynard percussion primer, but now these are abandoned, and the plain percussion caps used, as safer and more sure. These muskets are now made at the Springfield Armory at the rate of 80 a day, and early in June the production will reach 100 a day.--Springfield Rep.

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