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The Southern Telegraph Line.

--It will be seen from the subjoined proceedings which we take from the Charleston Courier, that a proper movement has been commenced. The attention of the stockholders in this city is directed to these proceedings:

‘ "A meeting of the stockholders of the Washington and New Orleans Telegraph Company, in relation to the interest in the line of the stockholders in this State, was held in the hall of the Bank of Charleston yesterday.

"Charles M. Furman, Esq., having been called to the chair, stated that a meeting of those who held stock in the company had been called with a view of adopting or ascertaining what measure was necessary for the protection of their interest in the company under the new order of things. He did not know how far the company extended North, but certainly a portion of the line is out of the limits of the Confederate States. A large amount of stock is held under the old patent right of the United States, which, perhaps, is the controlling power in the company; but, it is thought that so far as concerns Southern stockholders, that right is abrogated under the patent laws lately adopted by the Confederate Congress. It therefore becomes expedient to take some measure for the protection of their interest, and a new organization of the company under this modified right. The attention of the stockholders generally throughout the State was therefore invited to this subject.

"Mr. Matthiessen read a telegraphic dispatch from a gentleman at Montgomery, to Mr. Henry Gourdin, asking for an adjournment of the meeting until Tuesday, when Mr. Alexander, a former President of the company, would be able to lay before them some important facts.

"Mr. L. D. Mowry offered the following resolutions. which were adopted:

"Resolved, That the interest of the stockholders residing in the Confederate States requires that they should take the management and control of the affairs of the company into their own hands, and that for this purpose it is expedient that a general meeting of the stockholders, citizens of the Confederate States, be held at an early day, to adopt such measures as may be proper for effecting said purposes.

"Resolved, That a committee of three be appointed, whose duty it shall be to invite the co-operation of the stockholders in the Confederate States, and to arrange for a general meeting, as above indicated, and to adopt such further preliminary measures as may be expedient in carrying out the object of the first resolution, and to protect the interests of the stockholders."

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