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Scenes in Camp life

--Provision Riot at Camp Wayne.--The Harrisburg Telegraph publishes the following extract from a private letter written by a volunteer at Camp Wayne, Pa:

‘ This morning we had another exciting time when they issued the rations. Instead of bread; they give us crackers about the size of a common plate, and as hard as a brick. When these were dealt out to the men, they began to swear and throw them away, and soon the camp was flying full of crackers. The men made wagons and used the crackers for wheels; they made necklaces of them and strung them around their necks, and used them for epaulets, and every other imaginable way that they could be used to show their indignation. At length the excitement was so great that the officers became alarmed, and attempted to stop them, but it was no use. The men only howled, hooted, yelled and groaned at them, and pelted them with crackers; but they finally quieted down and went to their quarters, swearing that they would kill the first man they caught hauling crackers or bad meat into camp. On Saturday morning the crackers and bad meat made their appearance once again, but no sooner did the men see it than they made a break for the gates, forced the guards away and went to town. About eight o'clock the town was full of squads of soldiers, headed by officers, scouring the town from one and to the other, driving the runaways to camp; but it took until sometime in the afternoon to get them in, and after they did get them in they were not in a condition to drill; therefore there was but little drilling done that day. This morning we got good beef and good bread, and everything went off first-rate."

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