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Beginning to count the cost.

--The tremendous war debt which has already rolled its frightful proportions up before the eyes of the people, even now alarms the Republicans themselves, who are not easily scared at such things, and they evidently begin to feel a warning instinct that a terrible debt — which must fall in direct taxation upon the people, and for which the Republican party will be held responsible — is accumulating, and will roll on until the party is entirely crushed beneath its degrading weight. A special dispatch to the Tribune say that ‘"Mr. Chase has begun to count the cost of that which the Government has undertaken." ’ The dispatch goes on to say that ‘"the expenses of the War Department are enormous;" ’ and that ‘"it is evident, from the decision of high military authorities, that the recent action of New York and other State authorities, is not endorsed by Government." ’

The pulling and hauling of Weed and Greeley, who have undertaken to manage the military affairs of this State on their own hook, with bands of rival jobbers and speculators, have greatly embarrassed the Government at Washington, and are fearfully increasing the expenses of the war. Heaven help the poor people who will soon have to be taxed directly to pay for all this. The three States of N. York, Pennsylvania and Massachusetts, have given and loaned to the Government almost fourteen millions of dollars, and the way things are going on, thirty or forty millions more will soon fall to the lot of these three States alone to contribute. The interest of these debts will be a mortgage on the sweat and muscle of our people, and upon generations of their offspring.--N. Y. Day Book.

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