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From Petersburg.
[special correspondence of the Dispatch.]

Petersburg, May 18, 1861.
By a little stretch of the imagination, one might almost suppose that mother earth was in the act of giving birth to a martial off-spring, so many are the military companies that daily pass through our streets.

The Petersburg Cavalry, 55 strong, under the command of Capt. Fisher, left yesterday morning, at 12 o'clock, in a special train. The horses were put six in a car, without any difficulty, with negroes to guard them. There was an immense assemblage of persons at the depot to see the company off. Among the many fine troops that have left Petersburg for the scene of war, none have surpassed the cavalry in soldierly appearance.

Of the Mecklenburg troops and cavalry that have passed through here within the last day or two, it is unnecessary for me to speak in detail, as your citizens have had an opportunity to see them and form their own opinions. They were enthusiastically received here, and greatly admired for their fine appearance. The cavalry encamped near the city on Thursday night, though many of the members came into town and were entertained by our citizens. I learn that there are more to join this company in a short time.

The Crimea Artillery, Capt. Joseph White, from Dinwiddie, have arrived and encamped at the Fair Grounds. They are an able looking set of fellows, every inch men, numbering about 60. They brought no piece of artillery along with them.

The Nottoway Cavalry, reported to be the finest mounted, the best equipped, and best armed company in Virginia, are, I understand, awaiting orders to march. They are armed each with a pair of field revolvers, carbines, broadswords and bowie-knives, and thoroughly fitted up for a protracted campaign. The Nottoway people are famous for their skillful horsemanship, which they have acquired in the old manly Virginia sport of the chase.

The Archer Volunteers, Capt. Lewellen, who were recently ordered to Norfolk, and were stationed on Craney Island, have been ordered back to Fort Powhatan. The good people of Prince George county have been exceedingly generous to the troops at the fort, sending them fresh meats of all kinds, and in the greatest abundance. It is thus that the defenders of the country should be welcomed everywhere by the proprietors of the soil.--The soldier's life is relieved of half its burdens when their services are thus kindly appreciated.

A large number of the First Regiment of North Carolina Volunteers passed through this city this evening on their way to Richmond, and 700 more of the same regiment are expected on Tuesday next. As they marched through the streets they presented a splendid appearance, with their arms glittering in the gas-light. An immense crowd attended them, cheering at every step.

D. H. Todd, a brother of Mrs. Lincoln, and who has been appointed First Lieutenant in the Southern Army, is at present in this city, on his way to the South, to assist in the instruction of drilling companies. He is a thorough Southern man in his feelings, and will lend all his energies to the maintenance of our rights.

Since the presentation of the fine horses to General Gwynn and Col. J. M. Withers, a project is on foot to compliment Col. R. A. Pryor in the same manner. It will certainly be carried out, for the generosity of this people knows no bounds, especially when gallantry and public service are to be signalized.

The rumors about the capture of the ship Argo, at Fort Monroe, recently, loaded with tobacco at City Point, are confirmed to-day by dispatches received from reliable sources at Norfolk. The vessel has been sent North as a prize. It is to be hoped that our citizens will expose nothing more to seizure by Pirate Pendergrast, as it appears no flag is to be respected. Let us keep what we have at home, instead of filling the pockets and the stomachs of Northern plunderers.

The company of free negroes, under the command of Captain Finn, who have been engaged at Norfolk for several weeks, returned this afternoon, to spend the holidays with their wives and sweethearts. They will go back next week. It did one good to look on their happy, joyous faces, on which not a care of any kind has left its imprint. They appeared to be quite flush of the needful, and as soon as they were disbanded, numbers of them proceeded to the market-house, for the purpose of treating their families to the delicacies of the season. Mon CŒur.

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