Speech of Gen. Cass.
--At the meeting held at Detroit on Wednesday evening, under the direction of the Board of Trade of that city Gen. Cass spoke as follows:‘ Fellow-Citizens: I have not come to make a speech; my time for engaging in political discussions has passed away. I have come to do honor to that glorious old flag which you have just unfurled to the breeze — that flag, which has ever waved triumphantly at home and abroad. I was born under it. I have spent my life under it, and when my last hours shall come, I sincerely hope my last gave may rest upon it with its Stars undimmed and its Stripes unsecured. [Cheers.] And I hope the Almighty Being will, in His mercy, yet stretch forth His hands, save us from the calamity of civil war, and restore a fraternal feeling among these States. May He incline the hearts of our people to restore our glorious Union and secure its perpetuity.
’ Gen.