Evening session.
The Committee re-assembled at 4 o'clock-- Mr. Price, of Greenbrier, in the chair.The pending question being on Mr. Speed's amendment to the amendment of Mr. Wise, the vote was taken and it was rejected.
The question recurring on Mr. Wise's motion to strike out all after the word ‘"Commonwealth,"’ it was decided in the negative — years 32. nays 79.
Mr. Bruce, of Halifax, moved to strike out the whole 13th resolution. The principle was sufficiently expressed in previous resolutions. There were no negotiations pending since the failure of the Peace Conference, and he could see no good reason for adopting a resolution referring to negotiations for adjustment.
Mr. Baldwin hoped the resolution would be retained. It contained the only remonstrance; against action on the part of the seceded States to provoke hostilities; and this, he thought, was the distasteful feature to those who opposed the resolution.
Mr. Bruce further urged the propriety of striking out.
Mr. Johnson, of Richmond, moved to amend the amendment by striking out all after word ‘"Government,"’ in the second line of the 13th resolution, and inserting in lieu thereof the following:
--‘"or of the Confederated States, tending to produce a collision of forces, pending efforts for the adjustment of existing difficulties, as unwise and injurious to the interests of both — and they would regard any such action on the part of either as leaving them free to determine their own future policy."’
Mr. Johnson, in urging his amendment, took the ground that Virginia now occupied the position of mediator — the proudest position to which she had ever been invoked — and she should use only such language as was best calculated to bring about a peaceful solution of difficulties. He hoped the Committee would see the obvious propriety of the amendment.
Mr. Wise opposed the amendment, not so much on his own behalf as on behalf of the gentleman from Montgomery, (Mr. Preston,) who was now absent, and with whom the resolution was an especial pet. He could not consent that Virginia should be placed merely in the character of a mediator. He argued to show that the commencement of hostilities on one side would be unfriendly to us, and an attempt on the other side to subjugate the seceded States would not only be hurtful to us, but injurious to our honor.
Mr. Johnson thought if the gentleman was the especial guardian of Mr. Preston's resolution, it was a little strange that he this morning took such a liberty with it himself. He forcibly urged the adoption of his amendment as the surest means of preserving the peace between the parties.
Mr. Dorman moved to amend the amendment by substituting the word ‘"themselves"’for ‘"them,"’ in the last line. Lost.
Mr. Johnson'samendment was then agreed to — ayes 68, noes 48.
The question recurred upon Mr. Bruce's motion to strike out the entire resolution as amended, and the roll being called, it was decided in the negative-- yeas 39, nays 86.
The 13th resolution, as amended, was then adopted , viva voce.
The 14th (and last) resolution of the series was then taken up, as follows:
14. Their peculiar relations of the States of Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, Tennessee, Kentucky, Missouri and Arkansas to the other States, make it proper, in the judgment of this Convention, that the former Stated should consult together and concert such measures for their final action as the honor, the interests and the safety of the people thereof may demand, and for that purpose the proper authorities of those States are requested to appoint Commissioners to meet Commissioners to be appointed by this Convention on behalf of the people of this State, at Frankfort, in the State of Kentucky, on the last Monday in May next.
Mr. Flournoy moved to pass by the resolution for the present, with a view to considering the proposed amendments to the Federal Constitution.
Mr. Conrad of Frederick, opposed the motion to pass by. It was lost by a large majority.
Mr. Scott, of Fauquier, deemed it proper that some action should be taken in view of the possible rejection of the propositions by the non-slaveholding States. He had before indicated his purpose to offer an amendment to the 14th resolution, but finding that the friends of that resolution were averse to parting with any portion of it, and thinking it all important that a Conference with the Border States should be held at an early day, he would offer the substance of his indicated amendment as an addendum to the resolution. It is as follows:
"And in the event that favorable responses on the part of the non-slaveholding States be not made to the proposed amendments to the Constitution by the time appointed for the re- assembling of this body; it is the opinion of this Convention that the said States of Delaware, Maryland, North Carolina, Tennessee, Kentucky, Missouri and Arkansas, ought to assemble in primary Conventions, and in conjunction with this State, convene at — on the -- day of --. a Congress of the said States, composed of delegates to be appointed by the respective Conventions thereof, for the purpose of recommending an amended Constitution of Government upon which the union of those States and the Confederated States, with such non- slaveholding states as may concern therein can be safely effected; be which Congress, the Confederated States, and the concurring non-slaveholding States, ought to be invited to send Commissioners.
Mr. Wine opposed the amendment as looking to a all for a National Convention, which was too much like what Mr. Seward proposed.
Mr. Scott further explained his amendment, which, he claimed, was not liable to the construction placed upon it by the gentleman from Princess Anne. Mr. Scott was opposed, and unalterably opposed, to any separate secession on the part of Virginia. Her interests and position demanded a conference with the Border States; if they refused to take any action, then Virginia would be left free to act as the circumstances required.
Mr. Baldwin moved to amend the amendment by filling the first blank with the word ‘"Frankfort,"’ but withdrew it. He then moved to strike out from the amendment the words ‘"at — on the --day of --."’
Mr. Baldwin spoke briefly upon his amendment.
Mr. Moore, of Rockbridge, moved that the Committee rise, which was agreed to, and the Committee rose and reported progress.
In Convention.
Mr. Marr, of Fauquier, stated that he was reported in the Richmond Enquirer, which reports officially, as having made a speech on Saturday last, when in fact he made no speech. The remarks purporting to have been made by him were made by the member from Franklin, (Mr. Early.) Had he spoken upon the question at all, he would have expressed sentiments far different.Mr. Early then proceeded to note some errors in the report of the speech which he made on that occasion, and which had been attributed to the member from Fauquier, who might have deemed himself happy to have made use of such sentiments.
Mr. Marr said if he had done so, his constitutions would have deemed it a gross misrepresentation of their views.
Mr. Willey called up his resolutions on the subject of taxation, on which the previous question had been moved.
After some dispute upon a question of order, the debate was re-opened by Mr. Hall, of Wetzel, under the "ten minute" rule.
The reading of the resolutions being called for, the Secretary read the original resolutions offered by Mr. Willey, the amendment offered by Mr. Turner, of Jackson, and the amendment to the amendment, offered by Mr. Seawell. The main question was then ordered, and the vote was first taken on Mr. Seawell''s proposition, which was lost — yeas 55,nays 65.
The question recurring upon the amendment offered by Mr. Turner, of Jackson, Mr. Willey moved to strike out all after the word ‘"Resolved."’ and insert the following:
Resolved, That a committee of thirteen be appointed to inquire into the expediency of so amending the 22d and 23d sections of Article IV, of the Constitution of Virginia as to provide that taxation shall be equal and uniform throughout the Commonwealth, and that all property shall be taxed in proportion to its value.
Agreed to.
The President said the question now stood between the amendment just adopted and the original resolutions. Owing to a failure of the members generally to comprehend the position of the question, considerable confusion prevailed, and Mr. Wise moved an adjournment, which was defeated.
Mr. Willey said as the question was now between the substitute and the original resolutions, he would call for the yeas and nays in order to test the sense of the Convention.--He had offered the substitute with a view to make the competing proposition as nearly acceptable to himself as possible, and should now vote for the original resolutions.
Messrs. Slaughter, Wise, Kent, Echols, Early and Brown defined their position; a very amusing colloquy between the last named gentlemen and Mr. Wise kept the house in a state of merriment.
Pending the consideration of the subject,
On motion of Mr. Branch, the Convention adjourned.
--In the vote just before the recess, on Tuesday, on Mr. Tarr's motion to strike out the last clause of the 11th resolution, the name of Mr. Dorman, of Rockbridge, was accidentally omitted. He voted in the negative.