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Affairs at the Southern Capital.

The Montgomery papers contain brief comments on the Inaugural of Mr. Lincoln, which they publish almost in full. The Advertiser says:

‘ It commences by an insulting allusion to what is deemed the unreasonable conduct of the seceding States--it says that the Union is unbroken, and the laws must be enforced, and it means--War, War, and nothing less than war, will satisfy the Abolition chief. And if blood, nothing but blood, Mr. Lincoln will have, why, then, in God's name, trusting to that Providence that has never yet withheld a protecting hand from the cause of right and of justice, relying for human aid upon the bravery of our people, our boundless resources, the military skill of our Commander-in-Chief, the prudence of our statesmen, let us, with one accord,

‘"Cry havoc, and let slip the dogs of war."’

We have no fears of the result. The greatest soldier of America will lead us to the conflict, the wisest statesmen that have illustrated the history of American politics will guard the country, the daughters of the South will cheer us on to victory. The sons of the South have fought for Northern liberty, and now that the contest is for their own homes and firesides, they will surely be invincible.

’ The Post has the following remarks:

‘ It is a well-written document, no matter who wrote it. It is more clear and explicit than we expected from the clumsy magician that has been on public exhibition for the past two weeks. And though he has buttered both sides of the bread, sugar is sprinkled upon one and powder gently sifted on the other.--Upon the vital question at issue, Mr. Lincoln is explicit, and that is that the Union is unbroken in fact, that it is his duty to hold the public property and collect the revenue, and that he will enforce the laws — provided he is permitted to do so; if not, we presume he won't. The premises from which his reasoning is derived upon these points, is generally false, and the result of his policy is inevitably war.

’ A letter, dated Montgomery, the 5th inst., gives some warlike information. It says:

Capt. Robt. T. Jones, of the corps of Engineers, (late Lieutenant Colonel in the Alabama army, and formerly of the U. S. corps of Engineers, serving with great distinction in the Seminole Florida war,) received orders from the War Department yesterday, and last night started for Charleston. Lieut. Robinson, of Texas; Lieut. O'Brien and several other officers, were also dispatched to Charleston to-day. Every preparation is being made by the Government here, and war is anticipated.

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