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Hon. Wm. Kellogg and his constituents.

Chicago,Feb. 22.--A convention was held at Peoria to-day to express the opinion of the Republicans of the Fourth Congressional District in regard to the course of their representative in Congress, Hon. Wm. Kellogg.

The resolutions adopted declare that their principles are the same as before the election; express love for the Union, and declare that the Union must be maintained at all hazards.

The fourth resolution says that we enter our decided protest against the resolutions offered by Hon. William Kellogg, our Representative in Congress, and we earnestly urge him to an unfaltering support of Republican principles as enunciated in the Chicago platform.

A motion to amend this resolution by adding "that if he cannot do so it is his duty to re-sign," was lost by years 79, nays 88. Some of the delegates did not vote upon this motion.

The fourth resolution was their adopted unanimously.

Resolutions complimentary to Senator Johnson and Representatives Etheridge, Clemens and Davis, and Gov. Hicks, were then adopted amidst the wildest enthusiasm.

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