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Fatal Accident to an actor.

--William H. Stearns, an actor at the Arch Street Theatre, Philadelphia, and who will be remembered by those taking an interest in such matters as a player at the Richmond Theatre a few years since, was killed on Wednesday night by falling down the steps. The Philadelphia Ledger says:

‘ "After daylight he was found dead at the foot of a back stairway, the shockingly cut and bruised condition of his head showing that he had fallen down stairs. He had doubtless ascended the front stairway to the first landing, which is reached by a flight of stairs from the back part of the house, and in the darkness missed his footing, and fell down the back flight. The Coroner held an inquest on the body, and a verdict of death from injuries accidentally received was rendered. The deceased was in his thirty-third year, and was married. He made his first appearance at Barnum's Museum, in this city, about nine years ago, he having been previously engaged there as a bird-stuffer.

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