Mr. Howe's Benefit.
--Mr. Burdett Howe, the author of the new piece which has been played with remarkable success for several nights past, takes a benefit to-night, and we bespeak for him a crowded house. Mr. Howe made his first appearance on our stage at the commencement of the present season, and at once commended himself to popular favor. We do not pay him a higher compliment than he deserves, when we say he is an actor of excellent talent and capacity. He performs his parts with fidelity, and maintains an ease and dignity on the stage which conveys to the mind of the spectator an impression that what he sees is reality. The play of the Necromancer, which possesses merits of no common order, furnishes ample evidence of his literary ability. We feel assured that the patrons of the Theatre will give Mr. Howe a cordial and substantial greeting.