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A New organization.

The Norfolk Day Book notices a new organization, called the "Ready Men," as follows:

‘ There are over three hundred "Ready Men" in this city, who are regularly organized and ready at a moment's notice to stand by the State. Their motto is "Union," if it can be had with honor to the South; if not, they go in for Virginia first, the South next. The Ready Men are having daily accessions to their ranks, and propose to hold a public meeting in a few days, at which they will avow their sentiments and admit all who wish to sign.--They have made application for arms and accoutrements, which they expect to receive as soon as they are fully organized into companies, and have selected their officers. Their uniform is to be black pants, red shirt, (after the style worn by the Lexington Cadets at Harper's Ferry,) glaze caps a la militaire and white gloves, with cross-belts, &c.,&c. They are working warmly and systematically, under the law passed by the last session of the Legislature, and so quietly, that it was by the merest accident that even we, who are ever on the qui vive for news, found out the tenor of their ways.

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