French mustard.
--This condiment has lately come to be almost indispensable with all good livers. It is equally good with fish, or fowl, and wonderfully helps bachelor's bread and cheese to go down savorily. Its composition has been a mystery; but "the following receipt," says the Scientific American, "is an excellent way to make it, and plain table-salt may be used in place of the anchovies, where there is any difficulty in procuring them.--Take one pound of flour of mustard, a quarter of an ounce each of the following plants in a green state, and quite fresh: parsley, tarragon chervil, and celery, together with one or two eschalots, Mince all these latter very fine, then rub them with the mustard. Next mix one ounce of honey, one ounce of salt, and a wine-glassful of vinegar, in half a pint of water, more or less, as you wish the consistence of the mixed mustard to be; then put the mixture into small pots, with a teaspoonful of vinegar on the top. Cork well down, and as its flavor improves by age, it may be kept a month or six weeks before it is brought to table.