We have been thus explicit in quoting Mr. Smith's words, as they are good history. He began his account with Wear bridge, which in his boyhood was at the Charlestown line the Medford selectmen named as the end of High street.
Mr. Smith mentioned no other house across High street till that of Major Gershom Teel, later that of Captain Joseph Wyatt. This was at the corner of Canal lane.
An event has recently occurred there which has caused much comment—the moving of a dwelling house from 422 High street to Canal street, causing several days' interruption of street-car and other travel, and curious overlooking by passers-by. The writer was several times queried by such, and not being able to answer all readily and correctly, replied, ‘Oh, I'm not an information pagoda today!’ and got the reply, ‘We think you know if anybody does.’
Remembering the interest with which we read Mr. Smith's story, and that in Register, Vol. XVIII, p. 13, we presented High street as we found it in 1870, leads us to this writing.