An appreciation.
The editor wishes in this limited space to express appreciation of Miss Gill's work in the Historical Society and register. Rarely absent from a meeting, she was its capable secretary for some years; always a ready helper. Her contributions to our pages number some thirty articles, the result of careful study, and may be confidently referred to for information of Medford events and people. Her suggestions led others in lines she had not time or strength to follow, but in whose work she had much interest.The initial contribution to our building fund, though anonymous, may have been hers. Her failing health at last prevented her meeting with us there, and her last visit was an unexpected one while being taken out in her wheel-chair by her attendant. She came into our assembly hall, enjoying a rest for a little time, but not into the upper library, where she would have found her greater delight.
Among her writings is (in Vol. Xix) ‘Lafayette's Visit to Medford,’ just a century ago. Her last, in the register, Vol. XXV, ‘At Medford's Civic Center,’ noted some facts not earlier presented.
Her last written work was for the seventy-fifth anniversary of her church, ‘The Women of Mystic Church.’ [p. 41] She was unable to read it herself, as she hoped to do, but it was a notable and worthy tribute to her associates there. She enjoyed her work, and in that was one of the secrets of her success.