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[p. 72]

Papers and addresses. 1905-6.

October 16.—‘Vacation Experiences.’ Hon. William Cushing Wait. Followed by a social hour.

November 20.—‘Major General Benjamin Lincoln and the War of the Revolution.’ Mr. A. P. Soule of Hingham.

December 18.—‘Russia and the Russo-Japanese war.’ Rev. H. W. Stebbins of Boston.

January 15.—‘Tufts College.’ Rev. F. W. Hamilton, D. D., Acting President.

February 19.—‘Lemuel Cox, (1743-1806) Medford Bridge Builder and Inventor.’ Mr. Walter K. Watkins of Malden.

March 19.—Annual Meeting.

April 16.—‘Side Lights on the Stamp Act and the Boston Tea Party.’ Charles G. Chick, Esq., President Hyde Park Historical Society.

May 21.—‘Ye Olde First Meeting House of Medford.’ Mr. Moses W. Mann.

Supplementary course.

December 2.—‘Japan and the Japanese-Russian war.’ Marshall P. Thompson, Esq., Boston.

January 6.—‘The Metropolitan Park System.’ Illustrated. Mr. John Woodbury, Sec. of Commission, Boston.

February 3.—‘Medford in 1865.’ Hon. Fred Gowing of Belmont.

March 3.—‘The Election of 1860.’ Mr. J. H. Carfrey, Supt. of Schools, Wakefield.

April 7.—‘The Bradbury Family.’ Miss Eliza M. Gill.

May 5.—‘Charles Brooks and his work for Normal Schools.’ Mr. John Albree, President Swampscott Historical Society. [p. 73]

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