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First brigade.

Colonel John B. Sanborn.

48th Indiana.

59th Indiana.

4th Minnesota.

18th Wisconsin.

Second brigade.

Colonel Samuel A. Holmes.1 56th Illinois. 17th Iowa. 10th Missouri. 24th Missouri, Co. E. 80th Ohio.

Third brigade.

Colonel Holden Putnam.2

93d Illinois.

5th Iowa.

10th Iowa.

26th Missouri.


Captain Frank C. Sands.3

1st Missouri Light Artillery, Battery M.

Ohio Light Artillery, 11th Battery.

Wisconsin Light Artillery, 6th Battery.

Wisconsin Light Artillery, 12th Battery.

June 30, 1863.

Army of the Tennessee.

Major-General Ulysses S. Grant.


Captain E. D. Osband.

4th Illinois Cavalry, Co. A.


Major William Tweeddale.

1st Battalion Engineer Regiment of the West.

Ninth army corps.

Major-General John G. Parke.

First division.

Brigadier-general Thomas Welsh.

First brigade.

Colonel Henry Bowman.

36th Massachusetts.

17th Michigan.

27th Michigan.

45th Pennsylvania.

Third brigade.

Colonel Daniel Leasure.

2d Michigan.

8th Michigan.

20th Michigan.

79th New York.

100th Pennsylvania.


Pennsylvania Light Artillery, Battery D.

1 Succeeded by Colonel Green B. Raum, June 10.

2 Succeeded by Brig.-gen. Charles L. Matthies, June 2.

3 Succeeded by Captain Henry Dillon, June—.

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