In Memory of Harriet S. Thorp, daughter of Ira and Catharine Thorp, died July 2, 1837, aged 13 years 7 mos.
In memory of a gentle child
Parental love has reared this stone;
Hers was a spirit meek and mild,
We weep not, for to Heaven she's gone.
In Memory of Edwin H. Thorp, son of Ira and Catharine Thorp, died Sept. 14, 1837, aged 3 years 6 mos.
With humble trust in Him who said,
‘Let little children come to me,’
We rear this, to the early dead,
Believing we our child shall see.
Josiah Munroe, born at Lexington Nov. 25, 1789; died in Charlestown, Aug. 20, 1837.
A remarkable incident occurred on his return from Liverpool to Charleston, S. C., in the winter of 1829. He was seasick to such a degree that he lost his memory of past and present events, and also the power of standing or walking without help, but still he could converse on past and present affairs with apparent correctness, but it was all lost to his mind when the conversation ended. He was highly esteemed by those who knew him for his honorable and open manner in all his transactions.
Mary Adalade, daug. of George H. & Ann S. Day, died Jan. 18, 1847, aged 1 year & 10 months.
In Memory of George S. Clark, who died Oct. 23, 1844, aged 23 years 11 months 10 days.
Weep not, my spirit's passed away,
And left this tenement of clay,
And soared on high, to dwell in love
With God, my faithful friend above.