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[314] (composed of remnants of Stonewall, J. M. Jones's and Stuart's Virginia Brigades)—Sixty—first Georgia Regiment, A. B. Woodfin, of Virginia; Second Regiment, A. C. Hopkins; Fifth Regiment, E. Payson Walton and C. S. M. Lee Fourth Regiment, F. C. Tebbs and William R. McNeer; Twenty-seventh Regiment, L. C. Vass; Thirty-third Regiment, J. M. Grandin; Tenth Regiment, J. P. Hyde, S. S. Lambeth and Rev. Mr. Balthis; Thirty-seventh Regiment, Forty-fourth Regiment, Richard I. McIlwaine and James Nelson; Twenty-fifth Regiment, George B. Taylor and John W. Jones; Twenty-first Regiment, I Harvie Gilmore; Forty-second Regiment, Thomas Williams; Forty-eighth Regiment, George E. Booker; Fiftieth Regiment, J. W. Denny.

Pegram's Division, Pegram's (old) Brigade—Thirteenth Regiment, J. William Jones and William S. Ryland; Fiftysecond Regiment, John Magill; Forty-ninth Regiment, J. Powell Garland; Fifty-eighth Regiment, George Slaughter and L. B. Madison; Thirty-first Regiment, A. D. Lepps.

Artillery, Second Corps; Colonel Thomas H. CarterCutshaw's Battalion, Rev. Mr. Page; Nelson's Battalion, T. Walker Gilmer; Braxton's Battalion, Rev. A. B. Brown and James Nelson; Hardaway's Battalion, T. M. Niven and Henry M. White.

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