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Memoir of Jane Claudia Johnson.

Few women had the good fortune in the war between the States to have such opportunities for good as the subject of this memoir, and no one ever improved them as she did.

She was of distinguished ancestry. Her father, Romulus M. Saunders, of North Carolina, was a member of Congress from 1819 to 1844; from 1845-49, Minister Plenipotentiary to Madrid, authorized to offer $100,000,000 for the Island of Cuba. He had really nominated James K. Polk for the Presidency by devising and securing the adoption of the two-third rule at the Democratic National Convention in Baltimore in 1844.

A majority of the delegates had come instructed to vote for Van Buren. But, in the meantime, Van Buren had taken position in opposition to the annexation of Texas, and the Southern Van Buren man wanted him defeated, hence the two-third rule, which required two-thirds of all the members to make the nomination.

The mission to Spain, then the most important diplomatic position in the Government, was a recognition of his service to the party, to the cause of Texas, and to the President elect.

The mother of Mrs. Johnson was Anna Hayes Johnson, daughter of the Hon. William Johnson, of South Carolina, Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States, appointed by Mr. Jefferson in 1804, and who married the brilliant young member of Congress from North Carolina when she was quite a young woman.

She was a splendidly handsome, brilliant, and intellectual woman, [34] with great artistic talent, and a painter far beyond mediocre amateur ability.

Her grandfather, William Johnson, of Charleston, was a patriot of prominence and force, and was deported by Sir Henry Clinton to St. Augustine with other distinguished patriots of South Carolina.

During the siege of Charleston, his wife, Sarah Johnson, nee Nightingale, used to quilt her peticoats with cartridges, which she thus conveyed to her husband in the trenches.

With such traditions, the great-granddaughter of Sarah Nightingale Johnson and William Johnson, soldier and exile, could only be imbued with patriotism, with courage, with sentiment.

She spent the four years of her father's residence in Spain with him and her mother, and entered society there by her presentation at Court. There she became intimate with Eugenie di Montijo, Countess of Teba, who afterwards became Empress of the French. The attachment between the young girls was such that on the marriage of the Countess to the Emperor she sent her portrait to her American friend, which, though only a print, was and is, considered the best likeness of her ever made.

Mrs. Johnson was a success at the Court of Isabella, the Catholic, and of Louis Napoleon, Emperor of the French in Paris, where she and her sister and mother spent the winter. In December, 1849, General Saunders was recalled and came home.

In 1851, Miss Saunders was married to Bradley T. Johnson, who had just been admitted to the Bar, and to whom she had been engaged for the preceding six years.

She was not 18, he just 21, and they went to live in Frederick, Maryland, where he rapidly acquired a good position at the Bar.

In 1857, in the great struggle to save the State from the Know-Nothing faction, he was placed at the head of the State ticket as the Democratic candidate for Comptroller of the Treasury, but was defeated by the Plug Ugly and Blood Tub Clubs, and fraudulent votes, and stuffed ballot-boxes, of the city of Baltimore.

In 1859, he was made the head of the Democratic organization of the State, as Chairman of the Democratic State Committee, and was a delegate from the State to the Charleston National Convention of 1860.

There he acted, spoke and voted with the extreme Southern wing of the Democratic party, and when the convention adjourned to Baltimore, joined with a majority of the Maryland Delegation, in [35] withdrawing from the convention, and uniting with the States Rights members, North and South, in the Democratic National Convention, which nominated Breckinridge and Lane.

The members who remained as the National Democratic Convention nominated Douglas and Johnston. The result is history.

In all this exciting time Mrs Johnson was always with her husband, heart and soul, and sustaining his every act, with soul stirring sympathy and chivalric courage.

When it became clear that the issue of arms was to be made and tried, her husband, with her constant support, enlisted a company of boys at Frederick, which he armed and clothed, very poorly—but the best that could be done—at his own expense, and prepared to lead them to Virginia, she entirely consenting and assisting.

She had a fine house, well furnished, with every comfort and convenience. She left that just as it was, to the care of S. Teakle Willis, John Hanson Thomas, Ross Winans, John C. Brune, and the rest of the Baltimore Delegation in the legislature, which was in Frederick, in session.

On May 7, 1861, she went to Chestnut Hill, Va., the residence of a friend, Mrs. Mason, and the next day her husband followed her with his company—the Frederick Volunteers—to Point of Rocks. There, in a few days, he was joined by a company from Baltimore, Capt. Edelin, and other companies were rapidly collected at Harper's Ferry. They were all mustered into the service of the Confederate States on May 21-22, 1861, the object being to form them as a nucleus for the Maryland Line, which was to be the representative of Maryland in the Southern Confederacy and to win for their State a place in the new government. But a crisis soon confronted the Marylanders. Of the 500 men at the Point of Rocks and Harper's Ferry, Company A, from Frederick only were armed, and that only with Hall's Carbines, the original antiquated and useless breechloader, long since discarded by the army of the United States. The men had nothing, no arms, no clothes, no tents, no camp equipage, axes, hatchets, skillets nor camp kettles.

They could draw rations, but did not know how to cook them, even if they had had the utensils.

Utter and entire disorganization faced them. On every side were cordial invitations to join Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina or Mississippi Companies.

But the men all knew that the disappearance of that battallion from the army would mean the death of Maryland's hopes to join [36] the Confederacy, as well as their own justification, in taking arms against their native State.

They held and believed that their mother State had been betrayed by treachery, and was then bound and manacled, hand and foot, by the ‘Vis Major’ of the United States, and they were performing a pious duty in organizing with arms to redeem her. But they had no arms, nor any one to whom to apply, and they faced the horrors of disintegration and extermination. Hence forward let the Chronicler Scharf tell the story.

In his third volume of the History of Maryland, he says:

In this trying exigency Mrs. Bradley T. Johnson volunteered to go through the country to North Carolina, her native State, and there appeal to her countrymen for assistance.

She, as the daughter of Hon. R. M. Saunders of that State, formerly minister to Spain, was amply qualified by graces of person and mind and the force of her will, to accomplish an enterprise which required the daring gallantry of a man with the persuasive power and perseverance of a woman.

Accordingly, on the 24th of May she left the camps of Companies A and B, at the

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United States (United States) (185)
Baltimore, Md. (Maryland, United States) (175)
Maryland (Maryland, United States) (122)
Richmond (Virginia, United States) (42)
Fortress Monroe (Virginia, United States) (36)
Newtown (New York, United States) (34)
Georgia (Georgia, United States) (31)
North Carolina (North Carolina, United States) (30)
Edgefield (Tennessee, United States) (30)
Norfolk (Virginia, United States) (28)
South Carolina (South Carolina, United States) (26)
Harper's Ferry (West Virginia, United States) (26)
Atlanta (Georgia, United States) (26)
Camden Station (Ohio, United States) (18)
Chancellorsville (Virginia, United States) (17)
Appomattox (Virginia, United States) (17)
Pennsylvania (Pennsylvania, United States) (16)
Massachusetts (Massachusetts, United States) (16)
Fredericksburg, Va. (Virginia, United States) (16)
Mexico (Mexico, Mexico) (14)
Savannah (Georgia, United States) (12)
Meadow Bridge (West Virginia, United States) (12)
Jackson (Mississippi, United States) (12)
City Point (Virginia, United States) (11)
Petersburg, Va. (Virginia, United States) (10)
Iuka (Mississippi, United States) (10)
Fort Delaware (Delaware, United States) (10)
Cockeysville (Maryland, United States) (10)
Camden, S. C. (South Carolina, United States) (10)
Bentonville (North Carolina, United States) (10)
Yorktown (Virginia, United States) (8)
Yellow Tavern (Virginia, United States) (8)
Virginia (Virginia, United States) (8)
Hampton Roads (Virginia, United States) (8)
Fort Macon (North Carolina, United States) (8)
Charleston (South Carolina, United States) (8)
Chambersburg, Pa. (Pennsylvania, United States) (8)
Baltimore City (Maryland, United States) (8)
Point Lookout, Md. (Maryland, United States) (7)
Greensboro (North Carolina, United States) (7)
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Washington (United States) (6)
Tuscarora (North Carolina, United States) (6)
New Orleans (Louisiana, United States) (6)
New Bern (North Carolina, United States) (6)
Mount Clare (Nebraska, United States) (6)
Morehead City (North Carolina, United States) (6)
Missouri (Missouri, United States) (6)
Maryland Line (Maryland, United States) (6)
Louisiana (Louisiana, United States) (6)
Hampton (Virginia, United States) (6)
France (France) (6)
Fort Taylor (Texas, United States) (6)
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Bermuda (6)
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Upper Marlboro (Maryland, United States) (4)
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Rappahannock (Virginia, United States) (4)
Perryville (Kentucky, United States) (4)
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Morris Island (South Carolina, United States) (4)
McAllister (Pennsylvania, United States) (4)
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Long Island City (New York, United States) (4)
John's Island, S. C. (South Carolina, United States) (4)
Fayetteville (North Carolina, United States) (4)
Europe (4)
Cold Spring, N. Y. (New York, United States) (4)
Chicopee (Massachusetts, United States) (4)
Charles Town (West Virginia, United States) (4)
Centreville (Ohio, United States) (4)
Calvert (Maryland, United States) (4)
Back River, Va. (Virginia, United States) (4)
Annapolis (Maryland, United States) (4)
Alabama (Alabama, United States) (4)
Spottsylvania (Virginia, United States) (3)
Spokane River (United States) (3)
Raleigh (North Carolina, United States) (3)
Hilton Head (South Carolina, United States) (3)
Goldsboro (North Carolina, United States) (3)
Bermuda Hundred (Virginia, United States) (3)
Augusta (Georgia, United States) (3)
York (Virginia, United States) (2)
Yonkers (New York, United States) (2)
Winchester, Va. (Virginia, United States) (2)
Wilmington, N. C. (North Carolina, United States) (2)
Whetstone Point (Maryland, United States) (2)
Westover (Virginia, United States) (2)
West Point (Virginia, United States) (2)
West Point (Georgia, United States) (2)
Weldon, N. C. (North Carolina, United States) (2)
Waynesboro, Va. (Virginia, United States) (2)
Watervliet (Ohio, United States) (2)
Washington (Washington, United States) (2)
Walter Branch (Kentucky, United States) (2)
Wade Hampton (South Carolina, United States) (2)
Verdon (Virginia, United States) (2)
Venice (Ohio, United States) (2)
Valley Forge (Pennsylvania, United States) (2)
Unger (West Virginia, United States) (2)
Tupelo (Mississippi, United States) (2)
Troy, N. Y. (New York, United States) (2)
Taunton (Massachusetts, United States) (2)
Suffolk, Va. (Virginia, United States) (2)
St. Paul's church (United Kingdom) (2)
Southampton (United Kingdom) (2)
Shelbyville (Alabama, United States) (2)
Savannah River (United States) (2)
San Antonio (Texas, United States) (2)
Sailor's Creek (Virginia, United States) (2)
Ronceverte (West Virginia, United States) (2)
Ripley (Mississippi, United States) (2)
Rienzi (Mississippi, United States) (2)
Pottsville (Pennsylvania, United States) (2)
Portsmouth, Va. (Virginia, United States) (2)
Portland (Maine, United States) (2)
Piermont (New York, United States) (2)
Patrick Henry (Virginia, United States) (2)
Old Point Comfort (Virginia, United States) (2)
Old Point (North Carolina, United States) (2)
Old Point (Maine, United States) (2)
Ohoopee (Georgia, United States) (2)
Ogeechee (Georgia, United States) (2)
Nyack (New York, United States) (2)
Nueces (Texas, United States) (2)
New York State (New York, United States) (2)
New Haven (Connecticut, United States) (2)
New Creek (West Virginia, United States) (2)
Nassau River (Florida, United States) (2)
Mount Vernon, Knox County, Ohio (Ohio, United States) (2)
Mose (North Dakota, United States) (2)
Montezuma, Tenn. (Tennessee, United States) (2)
Moenus (Germany) (2)
Mississippi (United States) (2)
Mine Run (Virginia, United States) (2)
Milledgeville (Georgia, United States) (2)
Mexico (Mexico) (2)
Meadow Mills (Virginia, United States) (2)
Marietta (Georgia, United States) (2)
Manchester (New York, United States) (2)
Malvern Hill (Virginia, United States) (2)
Macon (Georgia, United States) (2)
Lowell (Massachusetts, United States) (2)
Louisville (Kentucky, United States) (2)
Little Rock (Arkansas, United States) (2)
Little Fort Valley (Virginia, United States) (2)
Lexington, Va. (Virginia, United States) (2)
Latrobe (West Virginia, United States) (2)
Kosciusko, Mississippi (Mississippi, United States) (2)
Jefferson Barracks (Missouri, United States) (2)
Jefferson (West Virginia, United States) (2)
Jackson (Tennessee, United States) (2)
Irwinville, Georgia (Georgia, United States) (2)
Illinois (Illinois, United States) (2)
Hunterstown (Pennsylvania, United States) (2)
Henrico (Virginia, United States) (2)
Hastings (Michigan, United States) (2)
Harrisonburg, Va. (Virginia, United States) (2)
Harlem River (New York, United States) (2)
Harford (Maryland, United States) (2)
Hancock, Md. (Maryland, United States) (2)
Greenville (South Carolina, United States) (2)
Graham (New York, United States) (2)
Graceham (Maryland, United States) (2)
Goochland (Virginia, United States) (2)
Gibralter (North Carolina, United States) (2)
Georgetown, S. C. (South Carolina, United States) (2)
Front Royal (Virginia, United States) (2)
Frederick (Maryland, United States) (2)
Fort Warren (Massachusetts, United States) (2)
Fort Pickens (Florida, United States) (2)
Fort McRae (Florida, United States) (2)
Fort Laramie (Wyoming, United States) (2)
Fort Gibson (Oklahoma, United States) (2)
Fort Coffee (Oklahoma, United States) (2)
Fort Caswell (North Carolina, United States) (2)
Essex County (Virginia, United States) (2)
Easton (Maryland, United States) (2)
Dorchester (Maryland, United States) (2)
Des Moines River (United States) (2)
Delaware (Delaware, United States) (2)
Dalton, Ga. (Georgia, United States) (2)
Cumberland (Maryland, United States) (2)
Culp's Hill (Pennsylvania, United States) (2)
Covington (Kentucky, United States) (2)
Corpus Christi (Texas, United States) (2)
Chesterfield (Virginia, United States) (2)
Chester, S. C. (South Carolina, United States) (2)
Cheshire, Ohio (Ohio, United States) (2)
Chemung River (New York, United States) (2)
Chattahoochee River, Ga. (Georgia, United States) (2)
Chatham (United Kingdom) (2)
Cedar Mountain (Virginia, United States) (2)
Catonsville (Maryland, United States) (2)
Capitol (Utah, United States) (2)
Canada (Canada) (2)
Brook (Indiana, United States) (2)
Broadway (Virginia, United States) (2)
Broad Street (United Kingdom) (2)
Boston (Massachusetts, United States) (2)
Boonsboro (Maryland, United States) (2)
Blackwell's Island (New York, United States) (2)
Berkeley County (West Virginia, United States) (2)
Beaufort, S. C. (South Carolina, United States) (2)
Beaufort, N. C. (North Carolina, United States) (2)
Ashland (Virginia, United States) (2)
Arkansas (Arkansas, United States) (2)
Aransas (Texas, United States) (2)
Altamaha (Georgia, United States) (2)
Alderson (West Virginia, United States) (2)
Africa (2)
Whitehouse Landing (Virginia, United States) (1)
Washington, Ga. (Georgia, United States) (1)
Strasburg, Va. (Virginia, United States) (1)
Rockaway (Virginia, United States) (1)
Red Sulphur Springs (West Virginia, United States) (1)
Princeton, W. Va. (West Virginia, United States) (1)
Princeton, N. J. (New Jersey, United States) (1)
Madrid (Spain) (1)
High Point, N. C. (North Carolina, United States) (1)
Hanover Court House (Virginia, United States) (1)
Hamilton (Virginia, United States) (1)
Frederick, Md. (Maryland, United States) (1)
Fort Worth (Texas, United States) (1)
Department de Ville de Paris (France) (1)
Covington (Georgia, United States) (1)
Chestnut Hill (Virginia, United States) (1)
Charlottesville (Virginia, United States) (1)
California (California, United States) (1)
Brandy Station (Virginia, United States) (1)

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Jefferson Davis (332)
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Bradley T. Johnson (80)
A. Lincoln (78)
C. C. Lee (71)
Abraham Lincoln (66)
Robert Lee (66)
Robert E. Lee (63)
Robert Edward Lee (55)
Charles O'Conor (54)
Alexander H. Stephens (52)
Philip H. Sheridan (50)
William H. Seward (50)
Leander W. Goldsborough (44)
Turner Ashby (42)
Stonewall Jackson (41)
Nelson A. Miles (36)
B. F. Butler (33)
Joseph E. Johnston (32)
J. E. B. Stuart (31)
Underwood (28)
George C. Meade (28)
George B. McClellan (28)
Henry Little (28)
James B. Gordon (28)
Jubal A. Early (28)
C. A. Dana (28)
George William Brown (28)
Joe Hooker (27)
D. H. Hill (27)
Sterling Price (26)
John Pope (26)
T. J. Jackson (26)
J. Holt (26)
Clement C. Clay (26)
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Kane (24)
Varina Davis (24)
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George H. Steuart (22)
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Fitzhugh Lee (21)
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J. W. Davis (20)
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John Goode (14)
W. W. George (14)
James Longstreet (13)
John Letcher (13)
Richard S. Ewell (13)
G. T. Beauregard (13)
Theodore Winthrop (12)
L. C. Turner (12)
Albert Ritchie (12)
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Burton N. Harrison (12)
John W. Garrett (12)
Patrick R. Cleburne (12)
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J. A. Campbell (10)
Ross Winans (9)
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A. P. Hill (9)
John W. Davis (9)
John C. Brune (9)
George W. Booth (9)
J. H. Wilson (8)
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S. Teackle Wallis (8)
Steinwehr (8)
David Smith (8)
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John H. Reagan (8)
Winfield Peters (8)
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E. H. McDonald (8)
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Thomas L. Lubbock (8)
Jane Claudia Johnson (8)
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Duryea (8)
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Charles M. Blackford (8)
Joseph R. Anderson (8)
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Captain B. T. Johnson (7)
R. F. Hoke (7)
R. J. Henderson (7)
F. J. Hancock (7)
William Worthington Goldsborough (7)
Henry L. Wyatt (6)
Farnum B. Wright (6)
W. Winslow (6)
George W. Wilson (6)
Edward A. Wild (6)
H. H. Wells (6)
Warren (6)
Edgar K. Tryon (6)
John W. Torsch (6)
Jacob Thompson (6)
Peter Stevens (6)
James Speed (6)
Ramseur (6)
James Pleasants (6)
John T. Pickett (6)
George Peters (6)
John H. Patten (6)
E. A. O'Neal (6)
Robert L. Montague (6)
Thomas McKnight (6)
James Lyons (6)
Loring (6)
James H. Lane (6)
A. J. Lane (6)
William Preston Johnston (6)
Reverdy Johnson (6)
David Hunter (6)
James Hood (6)
W. P. Hamilton (6)
Samuel R. Guy (6)
Grimes (6)
Lewis Graham (6)
Gooding (6)
Charles E. Goldsborough (6)
E. I. Dupont (6)
Dunham (6)
A. H. Drewry (6)
Sarah Douglass (6)
George W. Dobbin (6)
DeRossett (6)
Albert Davis (6)
Cook (6)
C. C. Clay (6)
William Campbell (6)
Burnside (6)
Buck (6)
Jacob Brown (6)
J. W. Bridges (6)
Banks (6)
R. Snowden Andrews (6)
J. R. Anderson (6)
Charles Abbott (6)
Stonewall (5)
Sedgewick (5)
Schofield (5)
Scheoff (5)
Andrew Jackson (5)
R. J. Griffin (5)
Cummings (5)
J. F. Cox (5)
Joseph V. Bidgood (5)
Young (4)
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J. S. Wilson (4)
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William C. Whittle (4)
Levi S. White (4)
Henry Alexander White (4)
Joseph Wheeler (4)
James R. Wheeler (4)
Frank X. Ward (4)
Reuben Walton (4)
S. T. Wallis (4)
Cornelius Vanderbilt (4)
Tom Turner (4)
Dallas Tucker (4)
Isaac R. Trimble (4)
James Thomas (4)
William E. Taylor (4)
Swinton (4)
George H. Stewart (4)
Joseph Snevel (4)
William Smith (4)
William H. Sinclair (4)
Shields (4)
Shea (4)
W. H. Seward (4)
Sedgwick (4)
James A. Seddon (4)
Romulus M. Saunders (4)
Saul (4)
George N. Sanders (4)
Ross (4)
John C. Robinson (4)
Willam B. Reed (4)
Selus Price (4)
Thomas G. Pratt (4)
Charles H. Powell (4)
William H. Pope (4)
William H. Payne (4)
Marshall Parks (4)
D. Parish (4)
Nelson (4)
Preston Brown Moore (4)
M. C. Meigs (4)
McPheeters (4)
Angus McDonald (4)
Mason (4)
Robert A. Lively (4)
Leak (4)
Richard T. Knox (4)
Mary Knapp (4)
Judson Kilpatrick (4)
R. H. Ker (4)
Anthony Kennedy (4)
John Kelly (4)
Joseph Jones (4)
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Eppa Hunton (4)
J. S. Hennessey (4)
Warren Hastings (4)
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Adam Harper (4)
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Greene (4)
John T. Greble (4)
Harry Gilmor (4)
Gilbert (4)
Ghiselin (4)
Elijah Gates (4)
Nathan Bedford Forrest (4)
DeSaussure (4)
DeRosset (4)
William M. Dame (4)
Samuel Cooper (4)
Colt (4)
W. C. Cleary (4)
George L. Christian (4)
Chandler (4)
Carr (4)
W. L. Calhoun (4)
James T. Brady (4)
Boynton (4)
G. W. Booth (4)
Frank A. Bond (4)
Judah P. Benjamin (4)
Bendix (4)
S. Ferguson Beach (4)
Howard R. Bayne (4)
Cullen A. Battle (4)
Babcock (4)
James Battle Averitt (4)
Richard Ashby (4)
R. H. Anderson (4)
Garland Anderson (4)
R. N. Allen (4)
L. P. Thomas (3)
John Hanson Thomas (3)
Daniel L. Thomas (3)
Robert P. Taylor (3)
Kirby Smith (3)
D. N. Prewett (3)
Fitz John Porter (3)
James K. Polk (3)
William R. Patterson (3)
Wilson C. Nicholas (3)
Louis Napoleon (3)
McGill (3)
McComb (3)
H. B. M'Clellan (3)
E. H. Lively (3)
George R. Gaither (3)
James Dunlap (3)
J. O. J. Douglas (3)
Henry L. Dix (3)
Octavius Coke (3)
Henry Clinton (3)
W. Miles Cary (3)
William Burke (3)
John H. Barlow (3)
R. H. T. Yarrington (2)
James Yarrington (2)
Andrew Yarrington (2)
Sir Percy Wyndham (2)
William M. Wyatt (2)
Thomas W. Wyatt (2)
Robert S. Wyatt (2)
Levi Wyatt (2)
John Wyatt (2)
Andrew Wyatt (2)
W. W. Wright (2)
Marcus J. Wright (2)
William Worthington (2)
Charles E. Wortham (2)
Worth (2)
P. D. Woodson (2)
D. E. Woodburn (2)
Richard A. Wise (2)
William S. Winder (2)
Isaac Williams (2)
G. Harlan Williams (2)
Norman William (2)
H. T. Wight (2)
Whittier (2)
W. H. C. Whiting (2)
John D. Whitford (2)
Whitfield (2)
J. McKenny White (2)
Baylor Wheeler (2)
H. G. O. Weymouth (2)
John E. Wethered (2)
Aristides Welsh (2)
Abraham Warwick (2)
Henry M. Warfield (2)
Lemuel R. Walton (2)
J. M. Walthall (2)
James Walden (2)
Wagoner (2)
Stewart Vliet (2)
United Confederate Veterans (2)
R. F. Vaughan (2)
Upton (2)
Baker Tyler (2)
Jerome Tuttle (2)
Edward D. Tuttle (2)
Thomas P. Turner (2)
James H. Turner (2)
Jacob W. Turner (2)
George W. Turner (2)
St. George Tucker (2)
Henry St George Tucker (2)
David Hunter Tucker (2)
B. D. Tucker (2)
Andrew C. Trippe (2)
J. R. Trimble (2)
Richard Trice (2)
R. H. Trice (2)
R. A. Trice (2)
James M. Trice (2)
C. B. Trevillian (2)
Trenholm (2)
Towers (2)
John M. Toler (2)
William Thurston (2)
Frank A. Thurston (2)
W. A. Thom (2)
C. C. Tew (2)
Tecumseh (2)
C. H. Tebault (2)
Zachary Taylor (2)
Richard Taylor (2)
Philip Taylor (2)
H. B. Taylor (2)
A. V. Taylor (2)
John Talley (2)
J. S. Swift (2)
Surratt (2)
Suratt (2)
Stovall (2)
Stoneman (2)
T. J. Stewart (2)
Stephen (2)
Maria Pendleton Steger (2)
Steedman (2)
Henry Stanbery (2)
Iuka Springs (2)
Tell B. Spencer (2)
Robert H. Spencer (2)
James R. Spencer (2)
Gideon L. Spencer (2)
Edward Sparrow (2)
Sommerville Sollers (2)
Tom Sneed (2)
Thomas Sneed (2)
Charles Smythe (2)
R. S. B. Smith (2)
Persifer F. Smith (2)
Lewis W. Smith (2)
Goldwin Smith (2)
Billy Smith (2)
John Slidell (2)
Sigel (2)
Shutt (2)
Oscar Shultice (2)
Shipley (2)
W. T. Sherman (2)
Marcellus Shelton (2)
Sharp (2)
Shakspeare (2)
Robert B. Seward (2)
John Seward (2)
Edward Seward (2)
James Semple (2)
Edwin Selvage (2)
Eleanor Screven (2)
Thomas F. Scott (2)
F. W. Scott (2)
Augustus Schell (2)
Wright Schaumburg (2)
Emerson Saylord (2)
Sawyer (2)
Lawrence Sangston (2)
Peter Sangrain (2)
Thomas J. Rutherford (2)
Robert B. Roy (2)
Rosecrans (2)
John C. Ropes (2)
Roosevelt (2)
Roman (2)
W. R. Rock (2)
A. C. Robinson (2)
William H. Roberts (2)
A. W. Roberts (2)
W. B. Richards (2)
William B. Reed (2)
John Reed (2)
Official Records (2)
John W. Randolph (2)
S. D. Ragland (2)
Nat Ragland (2)
John C. Ragland (2)
J. G. Ragland (2)
John Quigley (2)
Roger A. Pryor (2)
Thomas R. Price (2)
William P. Preston (2)
Samuel Preston (2)
I. Samuel Preston (2)
I. Mary Preston (2)
W. S. Prather (2)
William Pleasants (2)
John Pleasants (2)
Frederick L. Pitts (2)
Charles H. Pitts (2)
Pitt (2)
W. H. Pindell (2)
Pickwick (2)
John A. Picket (2)
Pickering (2)
Frank Von Phul (2)
Frank Phul (2)
Phelp (2)
Pettit (2)
T. J. Perkins (2)
Napoleon Perkins (2)
William Penn (2)
E. S. Pendleton (2)
C. R. Pendleton (2)
Pender (2)
Thomas Pemberton (2)
Richard Pemberton (2)
Pearson (2)
T. H. Peabody (2)
Paynter (2)
Paul (2)
Patton (2)
W. H. Parrish (2)
B. F. Parrish (2)
Simon P. Parker (2)
James H. Parker (2)
Albert Parker (2)
S. H. S. Papers (2)
John Palmore (2)
B. M. Palmer (2)
Tom Paine (2)
Louise Page (2)
Frederick A. Olds (2)
William Ogleby (2)
Richard Ogleby (2)
George Ogleby (2)
Daniel Oakley (2)
Columbus O'Donnell (2)
Joseph G. Norman (2)
P. O. Nichol (2)
Myrick Newcomb (2)
De Nemours (2)
Gustavus A. Myers (2)
Jasper Myer (2)
Clapham Murray (2)
William A. Murphy (2)
G. Wythe Munford (2)
Mullineaux (2)
Muhlenberg (2)
Moses (2)
Samuel Mosby (2)
Galloupe Morton (2)
Charles I. Morton (2)
William Morris (2)
James P. Morris (2)
B. R. Morgan (2)
H. M. Morfit (2)
West Moore (2)
Samuel P. Moore (2)
Mordecai Moore (2)
F. O. Moore (2)
Winfield S. Moody (2)
Edward Montague (2)
Samuel P. Mitchell (2)
Richard Missenger (2)
R. H. G. Minty (2)
M. Michel (2)
J. C. J. Meyer (2)
John A. Meredith (2)
Meare (2)
Thomas Francis Meagher (2)
W. N. McVeigh (2)
Mike McPhalin (2)
McNeill (2)
John McNeil (2)
McLaws (2)
McLaw (2)
Robert L. McLane (2)
McKinley (2)
Hunter McGuire (2)
McDowell (2)
McCook (2)
Alexander McComas (2)
J. B. McCaw (2)
Mc-Neill (2)
J. Bankhead Mc-Gruder (2)
Maynard (2)
Thomas Massie (2)
Moses Martin (2)
John Marshall (2)
Frank A. Marshall (2)
Frank Markoe (2)
James Mann (2)
Stephen R. Mallory (2)
S. R. Mallory (2)
Charles Mallory (2)
Macaulay (2)
W. H. Lyons (2)
Lowndes (2)
E. Louis Lowe (2)
R. J. Loving (2)
Lothian (2)
Lombard (2)
Lomax (2)
George Logan (2)
Thomas Lloyd (2)
Mathew Lloyd (2)
D. H. Littlejohn (2)
Samuel E. Lewis (2)
L. M. Levton (2)
W. H. F. Lee (2)
G. W. C. Lee (2)
George Lawrence (2)
Alexander W. Lawrence (2)
Latrobe (2)
Joseph Landrum (2)
Lamon (2)
Lambert (2)
John Ladden (2)
Charles Lacy (2)
Joseph N. Knapp (2)
Preston King (2)
W. H. Kennell (2)
H. Kellog (2)
Keiley (2)
Sarah Johnson (2)
Obadiah Johnson (2)
G. R. Johnson (2)
Edward Johnson (2)
Carter Johnson (2)
Baker Johnson (2)
W. H. Jennings (2)
S. Jenkins (2)
Jeffries (2)
Jeff (2)
Jeb (2)
Robert James (2)
John D. James (2)
J. C. James (2)
William J. Jackson (2)
Mt Jackson (2)
David K. Jackman (2)
C. J. Iredell (2)
John H. Ingram (2)
Indians (2)
Hyman (2)
William H. Hurtt (2)
W. H. Hurkamp (2)
Humphreys (2)
E. T. Hughes (2)
Benjamin Huger (2)
Hudnall (2)
Charles H. Huckstep (2)
H. N. Howland (2)
McHenry Howard (2)
D. Ridgely Howard (2)
Thomas Houchins (2)
James Houchins (2)
Horstman (2)
John Hopkins (2)
T. H. Holmes (2)
T. J. Holman (2)
Lamar Holliday (2)
William Hogg (2)
John D. Hobson (2)
Edwin LaFayette Hobson (2)
Edwin La Fayette Hobson (2)
A. M. Hobson (2)
Joseph A. Hoare (2)
W. B. Hitrtley (2)
Allen Hilliard (2)
M. Warner Hewes (2)
Heth (2)
Tommie Herndon (2)
Hercules (2)
Gustavus A. Henry (2)
Julien Henderson (2)
Paul O. Hebert (2)
J. H. Heath (2)
M. W. Hazlewood (2)
Thomas S. Hayward (2)
George W. Hays (2)
R. Barton Haxall (2)
M. M. Hawkins (2)
Hathaway (2)
D. A. Hatcher (2)
George T. Hart (2)
William G. Harrison (2)
Thomas D. Harrison (2)
Julian Harrison (2)
G. F. Harrison (2)
T. M. Harris (2)
J. Morrison Harris (2)
Harmon (2)
W. L. Hardee (2)
Hancock Hamilton (2)
W. R. Hall (2)
J. M. Hall (2)
D. L. Hall (2)
Hades (2)
Edward Haden (2)
Douglass Haden (2)
James Gordon Hackett (2)
Gwinnett (2)
B. E. Guthrie (2)
Benjamin Groom (2)
George W. Grice (2)
Greely (2)
S. Grant (2)
James Gordon (2)
W. W. Goldsborough (2)
Goff (2)
Gilmore (2)
John M. Gill (2)
George M. Gill (2)
John C. Gibson (2)
George Gibson (2)
Adolphus Gibson (2)
Gay (2)
Samuel Gassaway (2)
Gary (2)
S. H. Garthright (2)
John S. Garthright (2)
John R. Garthright (2)
Thomas C. Garrett (2)
Richard Garrett (2)
Augustus Garrett (2)
T. C. Galt (2)
Robert Galt (2)
B. B. Gale (2)
John Gaines (2)
Gage (2)
John W. Fulton (2)
Fremont (2)
Fraser (2)
Franklin (2)
James Foster (2)
Foreman (2)
Follonsbee (2)
Follansbee (2)
N. P. Foard (2)
W. R. Fleming (2)
W. L. Fleming (2)
T. M. Fleming (2)
George W. Fleming (2)
F. N. Fleming (2)
C. D. Fleming (2)
Daniel A. Fenton (2)
Cape Fear (2)
Charles M. Fauntleroy (2)
C. J. Faulkner (2)
Fairfax (2)
Fabius (2)
B. S. Ewell (2)
Everett (2)
E. C. Evans (2)
C. A. Evans (2)
William J. Eubank (2)
Archy H. Eubank (2)
Joseph S. Estis (2)
Frank B. Estis (2)
Erwin (2)
Thomas Ellett (2)
T. H. Edwards (2)
Dunbar Edwards (2)
Alfred Edwards (2)
Editors (2)
Edgar (2)
John H. Eager (2)
John Eades (2)
Dunmore (2)
R. H. Dulaney (2)
B. Duffield (2)
Drake (2)
Douthatt (2)
Doubleday (2)
Thomas W. Doswell (2)
E. R. Dorsey (2)
John Donavan (2)
Dike (2)
Robert D. Diggs (2)
Dickinson (2)
Dick (2)
Demosthenes (2)
Dement (2)
John DeBree (2)
W. A. Davis (2)
M. B. Davis (2)
Junius A. Davis (2)
Joseph A. Davis (2)
David (2)
Isaac Davenport (2)
John W. Daniel (2)
B. S. Dandridge (2)
Dancy (2)
W. R. Dalton (2)
George M. Dallas (2)
Dalgren (2)
Dahlgren (2)
Cussons (2)
T. A. Curd (2)
Isaac Curd (2)
W. W. Crump (2)
Oliver Cromwell (2)
Samuel S. Crittendon (2)
Crenshaw (2)
Crane (2)
Kerr Craige (2)
H. K. Craig (2)
W. H. H. Cowles (2)
Robert H. Cowan (2)
W. S. Courtney (2)
Samuel S. Cottrell (2)
M. D. Corse (2)
D. Conrad (2)
Comdg (2)
Georgia Colonel (2)
John Colly (2)
James Colly (2)
Charles Collier (2)
Alexander Coke (2)
Howell Cobb (2)
John Clark (2)
Horace F. Clark (2)
W. Scott Chew (2)
J. J. Cheatwood (2)
Charles (2)
J. J. Chancellor (2)
Chairman (2)
George W. Cawthorn (2)
Clarence Cary (2)
Robert Carter (2)
Frank Carter (2)
Anne Carter (2)
Carroll (2)
Carmichael (2)
William B. Carlton (2)
Levi Carlton (2)
Ira Carlton (2)
James M. Cardwell (2)
George W. Cardwell (2)
William Evelyn Cameron (2)
Simon Cameron (2)
Camden (2)
Richard E. Burton (2)
Richard C. Burton (2)
Aaron Burr (2)
Buckler (2)
Buchanan (2)
Mary Augusta Brown (2)
James L. Brown (2)
George Brown (2)
William G. Brooks (2)
W. B. M. Brooking (2)
R. L. Brooking (2)
A. C. Brooking (2)
John B. Brockenbrough (2)
R. A. Brock (2)
George T. Britt (2)
D. B. Bridgeford (2)
R. J. Breckinridge (2)
William T. Bray (2)
Pat Brannon (2)
Cornelius Boyle (2)
Boutwell (2)
John Minor Botts (2)
Alexander R. Boteler (2)
J. Wilkes Booth (2)
Robert H. Booker (2)
George Booker (2)
Richard Bolling (2)
James E. Bland (2)
Blairs (2)
Jeremiah S. Black (2)
Irving A. Black (2)
Carter R. Bishop (2)
A. P. Bird (2)
Green L. Bingham (2)
John Bew (2)
James M. Bew (2)
Hezekiah Bew (2)
Benton (2)
John W. Bennett (2)
Branch Bell (2)
Belger (2)
Beale (2)
Moore Bayne (2)
Mary Ashby Moore Bayne (2)
Lloyd Moore Bayne (2)
L. P. Bayne (2)
O. F. Baxter (2)
John Baugh (2)
R. T. Barton (2)
Barre (2)
Bannon (2)
John B. Baldwin (2)
Powhatan Ayres (2)
Isaac Avery (2)
Mary Augusta (2)
Benedict Arnold (2)
Julien Armstrong (2)
T. R. Argyle (2)
James Argyle (2)
E. H. Argyle (2)
Argus (2)
Bloody Angle (2)
T. C. Anderson (2)
Robert Anderson (2)
M. L. Anderson (2)
Archer Anderson (2)
John L. Ancrum (2)
Ames (2)
George W. Alexander (2)
Charles Francis Adams (2)
William N. Acree (2)
Horace Acree (2)
ZZZ (1)
William H. Yerby (1)
Yank (1)
W. J. Wranek (1)
Richard Woodrum (1)
S. Teakle Willis (1)
A. L. Williamson (1)
William Wilkins (1)
J. T. H. Wilkins (1)
J. B. Wilkins (1)
T. H. Whiting (1)
George W. Wentworth (1)
H. M. Waller (1)
Visitors (1)
William Vaughan (1)
George Tyler (1)
Albert Tolson (1)
William T. Thelin (1)
Teba (1)
L. Taylor (1)
F. R. Sykes (1)
Talbot Sweeney (1)
R. James Stinson (1)
C. L. Stevenson (1)
M. Spraggins (1)
Isaac Smith (1)
Ludwell P. Slater (1)
August Simon (1)
S. Simcoe (1)
J. Simcoe (1)
O. Shriver (1)
R. B. Shelburne (1)
George M. E. Shearer (1)
R. M. Saunders (1)
Anna Haves Saunders (1)
C. C. Sanders (1)
Thomas Ruffin (1)
Romulus (1)
C. H. Richardson (1)
David S. Reid (1)
Kenneth Rayner (1)
J. Ratcliffe (1)
B. H. Ratcliffe (1)
Benjamin F. Piggott (1)
John Pierce (1)
Luston Phillips (1)
Loudoun Park (1)
John T. Parham (1)
R. Owens (1)
Nightingale (1)
Calvin Myers (1)
W. E. Moss (1)
T. A. Moss (1)
J. A. J. Moss (1)
F. P. Morrison (1)
J. W. Morris (1)
H. V. Morris (1)
H. A. Morris (1)
W. H. E. Morecock (1)
H. P. Moore (1)
Eugenie Di Montijo (1)
Thomas Mercer (1)
George H. Mercer (1)
McCullough (1)
J. J. McClendon (1)
Howard L. McCandlish (1)
Samuel Maupin (1)
J. H. Maupin (1)
Lovick Thomas Martin (1)
J. C. W. Marriott (1)
J. H. Mahone (1)
D. R. Mahone (1)
C. W. Mahone (1)
L. Lukehard (1)
J. C. Lucas (1)
W. W. Lee (1)
W. H. Lee (1)
R. C. Lawson (1)
Winder Laird (1)
Parke Jones (1)
H. T. Jones (1)
Sarah Nightingale Johnson (1)
J. M. Johnson (1)
Anna Hayes Johnson (1)
Thomas Jefferson (1)
G. W. Jackson (1)
A. J. Hofheimer (1)
Charles Hodges (1)
L. J. Hill (1)
R. L. Henley (1)
Leonard Henley (1)
J. A. Henley (1)
John F. Hayden (1)
J. R. Harwood (1)
Hill Harris (1)
Hannibal (1)
Hannah (1)
Wiley M. Hall (1)
W. F. Gilliam (1)
Benjamin Gilliam (1)
A. G. P. George (1)
W. G. Gatewood (1)
Gaillard (1)
B. C. N. Ferriot (1)
F. Farr (1)
Weldon N. Edwards (1)
Edelin (1)
W. C. Durfey (1)
Drs (1)
John H. Dix (1)
S. N. Deneufville (1)
Joseph Davis (1)
R. Crandall (1)
G. M. Cochran (1)
Cobbs (1)
C. B. Coakley (1)
G. W. Clowes (1)
Jane Claudia (1)
J. W. Clarke (1)
Charles H. Claiborne (1)
W. T. Christian (1)
A. R. Chisolm (1)
Thomas C. Carrington (1)
Richard L. Brown (1)
R. A. Bowery (1)
J. F. Bowery (1)
B. W. Bowery (1)
Bate (1)
W. H. Barlow (1)
T. J. Barlow (1)
R. G. Barlow (1)
R. Barham (1)
G. O. Ball (1)
W. T. Baldwin (1)
James L. Aubrey (1)
hide Dates (automatically extracted)
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June 15th, 1864 AD (20)
1861 AD (16)
1865 AD (12)
April 19th (12)
May (11)
1863 AD (10)
May 11th (10)
November (9)
1900 AD (8)
1864 AD (8)
May 14th (8)
February 1st (8)
1862 AD (7)
1869 AD (6)
May 5th, 1865 AD (6)
May 20th, 1864 AD (6)
June, 1861 AD (6)
April 19th, 1861 AD (6)
October (6)
June (6)
May 23rd (6)
May 5th (6)
April 23rd (6)
March 18th (6)
February 2nd (6)
1901 AD (5)
June 3rd, 1864 AD (5)
1860 AD (5)
1845 AD (5)
April 18th (5)
November 17th, 1901 AD (4)
November, 1901 AD (4)
October, 1901 AD (4)
August, 1901 AD (4)
1890 AD (4)
1887 AD (4)
October 29th, 1883 AD (4)
February 15th, 1869 AD (4)
April 25th, 1866 AD (4)
July 8th, 1865 AD (4)
April 27th, 1865 AD (4)
April 3rd, 1865 AD (4)
February 3rd, 1865 AD (4)
January 18th, 1865 AD (4)
December, 1864 AD (4)
August 2nd, 1864 AD (4)
May 18th, 1864 AD (4)
July 2nd, 1863 AD (4)
September 19th, 1862 AD (4)
August 1st, 1862 AD (4)
April 16th, 1862 AD (4)
January 2nd, 1862 AD (4)
June 8th, 1861 AD (4)
May, 1861 AD (4)
April 19th, 1775 AD (4)
July 23rd (4)
July 3rd (4)
June 26th (4)
June 10th (4)
June 6th (4)
June 3rd (4)
May 28th (4)
May 12th (4)
May 8th (4)
May 6th (4)
April 22nd (4)
April 20th (4)
April 16th (4)
January 29th (4)
January 18th (4)
14th (4)
12th (4)
10th (4)
August, 1862 AD (3)
1857 AD (3)
1849 AD (3)
June 14th (3)
May 24th (3)
May 4th (3)
January 8th (3)
21st (3)
18th (3)
3rd (3)
November 11th, 1910 AD (2)
February 3rd, 1902 AD (2)
January 3rd, 1902 AD (2)
December 7th, 1901 AD (2)
December 1st, 1901 AD (2)
December, 1901 AD (2)
October 25th, 1901 AD (2)
October 13th, 1901 AD (2)
August 19th, 1901 AD (2)
August 14th, 1901 AD (2)
August 11th, 1901 AD (2)
July, 1901 AD (2)
June 17th, 1901 AD (2)
June 5th, 1901 AD (2)
April 7th, 1901 AD (2)
January 19th, 1901 AD (2)
December 21st, 1900 AD (2)
August, 1900 AD (2)
July 19th, 1900 AD (2)
July 18th, 1900 AD (2)
July 17th, 1900 AD (2)
1899 AD (2)
1898 AD (2)
1896 AD (2)
January 19th, 1894 AD (2)
1894 AD (2)
June 1st, 1889 AD (2)
May 31st, 1889 AD (2)
October 7th, 1887 AD (2)
April 27th, 1886 AD (2)
1885 AD (2)
March, 1884 AD (2)
1879 AD (2)
May 25th, 1874 AD (2)
1870 AD (2)
December 3rd, 1868 AD (2)
December, 1868 AD (2)
May 2nd, 1868 AD (2)
March 26th, 1868 AD (2)
May, 1867 AD (2)
January, 1867 AD (2)
1867 AD (2)
November, 1866 AD (2)
August, 1866 AD (2)
July 3rd, 1866 AD (2)
June 7th, 1866 AD (2)
June 5th, 1866 AD (2)
May 28th, 1866 AD (2)
May 26th, 1866 AD (2)
May 22nd, 1866 AD (2)
May 20th, 1866 AD (2)
May 10th, 1866 AD (2)
May 8th, 1866 AD (2)
April, 1866 AD (2)
January 30th, 1866 AD (2)
January 16th, 1866 AD (2)
December 9th, 1865 AD (2)
October 2nd, 1865 AD (2)
September 21st, 1865 AD (2)
September 14th, 1865 AD (2)
September 13th, 1865 AD (2)
August 10th, 1865 AD (2)
July 31st, 1865 AD (2)
June 6th, 1865 AD (2)
June 2nd, 1865 AD (2)
June, 1865 AD (2)
May 11th, 1865 AD (2)
May 8th, 1865 AD (2)
April 29th, 1865 AD (2)
April 16th, 1865 AD (2)
April 9th, 1865 AD (2)
April 2nd, 1865 AD (2)
March 19th, 1865 AD (2)
March 18th, 1865 AD (2)
February 26th, 1865 AD (2)
February 21st, 1865 AD (2)
February 6th, 1865 AD (2)
February 5th, 1865 AD (2)
January 31st, 1865 AD (2)
January 30th, 1865 AD (2)
January 12th, 1865 AD (2)
January, 1865 AD (2)
December 28th, 1864 AD (2)
December 18th, 1864 AD (2)
November 30th, 1864 AD (2)
October 7th, 1864 AD (2)
September 28th, 1864 AD (2)
August 5th, 1864 AD (2)
August, 1864 AD (2)
July 30th, 1864 AD (2)
May 1st, 1864 AD (2)
April 4th, 1864 AD (2)
December, 1863 AD (2)
October, 1863 AD (2)
August, 1863 AD (2)
June 27th, 1863 AD (2)
June, 1863 AD (2)
November 28th, 1862 AD (2)
August 17th, 1862 AD (2)
July 23rd, 1862 AD (2)
July 22nd, 1862 AD (2)
July 20th, 1862 AD (2)
July 7th, 1862 AD (2)
July, 1862 AD (2)
June 6th, 1862 AD (2)
June, 1862 AD (2)
May 23rd, 1862 AD (2)
May 15th, 1862 AD (2)
May, 1862 AD (2)
April, 1862 AD (2)
March 23rd, 1862 AD (2)
March 17th, 1862 AD (2)
February 28th, 1862 AD (2)
February 1st, 1862 AD (2)
January, 1862 AD (2)
October 21st, 1861 AD (2)
September 29th, 1861 AD (2)
September 14th, 1861 AD (2)
July 24th, 1861 AD (2)
June 18th, 1861 AD (2)
June 12th, 1861 AD (2)
June 3rd, 1861 AD (2)
April 25th, 1861 AD (2)
April 18th, 1861 AD (2)
February 25th, 1861 AD (2)
January 12th, 1861 AD (2)
April, 1860 AD (2)
October, 1859 AD (2)
July, 1855 AD (2)
November, 1854 AD (2)
January, 1852 AD (2)
August, 1851 AD (2)
1850 AD (2)
April 30th, 1849 AD (2)
1848 AD (2)
1846 AD (2)
December 8th, 1845 AD (2)
June, 1845 AD (2)
1844 AD (2)
1843 AD (2)
March 14th, 1835 AD (2)
1834 AD (2)
October 6th, 1831 AD (2)
1824 AD (2)
September 12th, 1814 AD (2)
September 11th, 1814 AD (2)
1812 AD (2)
1776 AD (2)
December 24th, 1664 AD (2)
1431 AD (2)
December 29th (2)
December 27th (2)
December 25th (2)
December 14th (2)
December 8th (2)
December 4th (2)
December 3rd (2)
December 2nd (2)
December (2)
November 28th (2)
November 19th (2)
November 10th (2)
October 19th (2)
October 12th (2)
October 6th (2)
September 19th (2)
September 8th (2)
August 24th (2)
August 10th (2)
August (2)
July 24th (2)
July 15th (2)
July 11th (2)
July 7th (2)
July 5th (2)
June 22nd (2)
June 19th (2)
June 15th (2)
June 9th (2)
June 7th (2)
June 5th (2)
June 2nd (2)
May 19th (2)
May 15th (2)
May 13th (2)
May 10th (2)
April 24th (2)
April 21st (2)
April 4th (2)
April (2)
March 14th (2)
March 13th (2)
March 1st (2)
February 23rd (2)
February 14th (2)
February 11th (2)
February 9th (2)
February 6th (2)
February 4th (2)
February 3rd (2)
January 26th (2)
January 19th (2)
January 12th (2)
January 7th (2)
26th (2)
25th (2)
23rd (2)
19th (2)
11th (2)
8th (2)
6th (2)
November 4th, 1901 AD (1)
December 31st, 1899 AD (1)
March 9th, 1894 AD (1)
March 6th, 1894 AD (1)
1866 AD (1)
June 17th, 1865 AD (1)
April 18th, 1865 AD (1)
March 8th, 1865 AD (1)
May 4th, 1863 AD (1)
May 3rd, 1863 AD (1)
May 2nd, 1863 AD (1)
May 1st, 1863 AD (1)
March, 1862 AD (1)
July 18th, 1861 AD (1)
June 16th, 1861 AD (1)
June 1st, 1861 AD (1)
May 28th, 1861 AD (1)
May 22nd, 1861 AD (1)
May 21st, 1861 AD (1)
May 7th, 1861 AD (1)
1859 AD (1)
1851 AD (1)
December, 1849 AD (1)
March 8th, 1832 AD (1)
1819 AD (1)
1804 AD (1)
1095 AD (1)
1092 AD (1)
1091 AD (1)
1057 AD (1)
October 1st (1)
September 30th (1)
August 20th (1)
August 19th (1)
August 18th (1)
August 17th (1)
July 20th (1)
July 19th (1)
July 10th (1)
June 29th (1)
May 31st (1)
May 26th (1)
April 5th (1)
April 3rd (1)
March 27th (1)
March 21st (1)
March 12th (1)
March 2nd (1)
February 24th (1)
February 5th (1)
January 1st (1)
29th (1)
9th (1)
7th (1)
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