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Virginia room.

Miss Mildred Lee, Regent; Mrs. J. Taylor Ellyson, Vice Regent; Mrs. J. B. Lightfoot, alternate.

In the east room, which is the Virginia room, refreshments were served to all desiring them at small cost. The menu was a particularly fine one, the qualities of the coffee particularly appealing to the general taste. In this room hospitalities were extended by Mrs. George West, Mrs. James Gordon, Mrs. Randolph Norris, Miss Ann C. Bentley, Mrs. Bowden, Mrs. Little, Mrs. R. S. Christian, Mrs. Smith Redford, Mrs. Small, Mrs. Fellows, Mrs. Larmant, Mrs. George W. Mayo, Mrs. H. W. Rountree.

The bureau in this room is one which occupied a place in the house when used as the executive mansion. The bust standing upon it (of Mr. Davis) is that which stood at the head of the dead chief's coffin when the body lay in state at the Capitol, before the reinterment in Hollywood. It is the gift of Colonel J. Bell Bigger.

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