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[101] bridge between Bowling Green and Woodsonville. I caused wires connecting with the portable battery that I carried with me to be attached to the telegraph line near Horse Cave and intercepted a number of dispatches. At Barren [Green] river, I detached three companies under Capt. Jack Allen to move forward rapidly and destroy the Salt river bridge, that the troops along the line of the railroad might be prevented from returning to Louisville.

On the following morning I moved on toward Lebanon, distant 35 miles from Barren [Green] river. At 11 o'clock at night I reached the bridge over Rolling Fork six miles from Lebanon. The enemy had received information of my approach from their spies and my advance guard was fired upon at the bridge. After a short fight the force at the bridge was dispersed, and the planks which were torn up having been replaced, the command moved forward to Lebanon. About two miles on a skirmish commenced between two companies I caused to dismount and deploy and a force of the enemy posted upon the road, which was soon ended by its dispersion and capture. Lieut.-Col. A. Y. Johnson, commanding the troops in the town surrendered and I entered the place. The prisoners taken, in number about sixty-five, were paroled. I took immediate possession of the telegraph and intercepted a dispatch to Colonel Johnson informing him that Colonel Owen with the Sixtieth Indiana regiment had been ordered to his assistance; so I at once dispatched a company of Texas Rangers under Major Gano to destroy the railroad bridge on the Lebanon branch, which he successfully accomplished in time to prevent the arrival of the troops. I burned two long buildings of commissary stores, consisting of upward of 500 sacks of coffee and a large amount of other supplies in bulk, marked for the army at Cumberland Gap. I also destroyed a very large amount of clothing, boots, etc. I burned the hospital buildings, which appeared to have been recently erected and fitted up, together with about 25 wagons and 53 new ambulances. I found in the place a large store of medicines, five thousand stand of arms with accouterments, about two thousand sabers and an immense quantity of ammunition, shell, etc. I distributed the best arms among my command and loaded one wagon with them to be given to recruits that I expected

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