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In addition, General Whiting at Wilmington had 6,690 men. Whiting's infantry was largely made up of General Martin's brigade—the Seventeenth North Carolina, Colonel Martin; Forty-second North Carolina, Colonel Brown; Fiftieth North Carolina, Colonel Wortham; Sixty-sixth, Colonel Moore. He had 2,326 heavy artillerymen, 374 light artillerymen, and about 500 cavalrymen. The total force then stationed in the State was 19,998.

Acting under General Lee's orders, General Pickett, on the 20th of January, set three columns in motion from Kinston to attack New Bern. General Barton with his own brigade, Kemper's brigade, part of Ransom's brigade, twelve pieces of artillery, and twelve companies of cavalry, was directed to cress the Trent and take the works of New Bern in reverse, and to prevent reinforcements reaching the town. Colonel Dearing was sent with a cavalry force to attack Fort Anderson, Barrington's ferry. General Pickett, with Hoke's brigade, three regiments of Corse's brigade, the Eighth and Fifty-first regiments of Clingman's brigade, and ten pieces of artillery, advanced on New Bern by the Dover road.

General Pickett, in his official report, states his plan of operations as follows: ‘Barton with his cavalry was to have cut the railroad and cross Brice's creek, taking the forts on the banks of the Neuse, and pass across the railroad bridge; effectually, should he only succeed in the first, cutting off reinforcements. Dearing, by taking Fort Anderson, would have a direct fire on the town and an enfilading fire on the works in front of it. Commander Wood, having secured the gunboats, would co-operate, and I, with the party under my command, create a diversion, draw off the enemy, and if the chance offered, go in the town.’

Following out this plan, General Hoke, after a brisk skirmish on Monday, February 1st, drove in the enemy's outpost at Batchelder's creek. The brigade of Hoke, three regiments of Corse, and two of Clingman, crossed

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