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The Texan Congress declared that the Mexican government had forfeited the allegiance of Texas, invited the co-operation of other Mexican States and organized a provisional government, with Henry Smith as governor and Samuel Houston commander-in-chief. A convention was called, to meet at Washington, on the Brazos river. While this convention was in session, Santa Anna, in person, with a force of 10,000 troops, began the invasion of Texas. As soon as information of this invasion reached them, the Texas Convention, March 2, 1836, made a formal declaration of independence and adopted a constitution. The boundaries of Texas were defined in this constitution, and the southern boundary was declared to be the Rio Grande.

Santa Anna made war in the most barbarous manner. Confident of crushing the Texans, he seemed determined to exterminate the rebels. The massacre at the Alamo and the inhuman murder of 500 soldiers, who surrendered under Colonel Fannin, at Goliad, aroused the Texans to efforts almost superhuman. At San Jacinto, April 21st, 800 Texans under General Sam Houston defeated over 1600 Mexicans under Santa Anna, destroying his army and capturing the leader. A treaty was speedily made with Santa Anna while a prisoner of war. The independence of Texas was acknowledged and the southern boundary established at the Rio Grande. In the meantime, there was another revolution in Mexico. Bustamente came to the head of affairs. He and his Congress repudiated the treaty and declared the intention of prosecuting the war.

Texas remained practically an independent State for nine years. Her independence had been acknowledged by the leading powers of the world. It was natural for the ruling element of her people, the same race of hardy pioneers who had carried the American flag to the coast of the Gulf of Mexico and to the shores of the Pacific—it was natural that these people should long to see that

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