Anniversary exercises
On Wednesday evening a large congregation, which included many former parishioners, and prominent residents of the city, assembled in the auditorium of the church for the anniversary exercises. Rev. Harley D. Maxwell, the pastor of the church, presided, and displayed his shrewdness as chairman by announcing each speaker's time limit. Among the list of speakers were several former pastors, together with the ministers of the other Universalist churches of Somerville.The decorations in the auditorium included an effective grouping of palms about the church altar and pulpit, while bouquets of cut flowers were also conspicuous. From above the pulpit festoons of evergreen gracefully drooped over the significant dates 1854-1904, which, in figures of green, adorned a white background.
The exercises opened with an organ voluntary by J. L. Dennett, which was followed by the invocation by Rev. H. D. Maxwell. The church choir, Miss Anna Florence Smith, soprano, Mrs. William E. Miller, alto, W. H. S.