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“ [117] mind contemning the phenomenal world .. The understanding can make nothing of it. 'Tis all nonsense. The Reason affirms its absolute verity. ... St. Paul marks the distinction by the terms natural man and spiritual man. When Novalis says, ‘It is the instinct of the Understanding to contradict the Reason,’ he only translates into a scientific formula the doctrine of St. Paul, ‘The Carnal Mind is enmity against God.’ ”

One more quotation must suffice. It is from a poem by a forgotten Transcendentalist, F. G. Tuckerman.

No more thy meaning seek, thine anguish plead; But, leaving straining thought and stammering word, Across the barren azure pass to God; Shooting the void in silence, like a bird-A bird that shuts his wings for better speed!

It is obvious that this “contemning the phenomenal world,” this “revulsion against the intellect as the sole source of truth,” is highly dangerous to second-class minds. If one habitually prints the words Insight, Instinct, Intuition, Consciousness with capitals, and relegates equally useful words like senses, experience, fact, logic to lower-case type, one may do it because he is a

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