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[85] was the most practical of them. He set forth in 1868, as part of his social creed, the following affirmations:

I believe that there need be, and should be, no paupers who are not infantile, idiotic, or disabled; and that civilized society pays more for the support of able-bodied pauperism than the necessary cost of its extirpation.

I believe that they babble idly and libel Providence who talk of surplus labor, or the inadequacy of capital to supply employment to all who need it.

I believe that the efficiency of human effort is enormously, ruinously, diminished by what I term Social Anarchy. .... It is quite within the truth to estimate the annual product of our national industry at less than onehalf of what it might be if better applied and directed.

The poor work at perpetual disadvantage in isolation, because of the inadequacy of their means. ... Association would have these unite to purchase, inhabit, and cultivate a common domain-say, of 2,000 acres-whereby these advantages over the isolated system would be realized

(mentioning economy, etc.).

But, while holding to these beliefs, he acknowledged the difficulty of living up to them.

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