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Chapter 3: the man begins his ministry.

Some time in August, 1829, Garrison landed in Baltimore, and began with Lundy the editorship of The Genius of Universal Emancipation. Radical as the Park Street Church address was, it had, nevertheless, ceased to represent in one essential matter his anti slavery convictions and principles. The moral impetus and ground-swell of the address had carried him beyond the position where its first flood of feeling had for the moment left him. During the composition of the address he was transported with grief and indignation at the monstrous wrong which slavery did the slaves and the nation. He had not thought out for himself any means to rid both of the curse. The white heat of the address destroyed for the instant all capacity for such thinking. “Who can be amazed, temperate, and furious — in a moment? No man. The expedition of his violent love outran the pauser reason” He had accepted the colonization scheme as an instrument for removing the evil, and called on all good citizens “to assist in establishing auxiliary colonization societies in every State, county, and town” ; and implored “their direct and liberal patronage to the parent society.” He had not apparently, so much as dreamed of any other than gradual emancipation. “The emancipation of all ”

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