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[127] love for him was more than all. He had “prepared a place” for him “in His Father's House,” and now he desired his coming. Beyond the river, and before the throne, His voice was heard saying, “Father, I will that they whom Thou hast given me be with me where I am, that they may behold my glory.” And then from Mount Zion, which is above, came words which once sounded in thunder from Mount Sinai; but now they came softly, and were unheard by any mortal ear. They were words of discharge and blessing, breathed in music that night over the pillow of the sleeping soldier: “Six days shalt thou labor and do all thy work; but the seventh is the Sabbath of the Lord thy God.”

Six days for earth and labor; only six. Then his eternal Sabbath would begin; rest and worship and joy forever!

The battle of Fort Donelson began on Wednesday. That night was spent in throwing up breastworks. His men say that no man in the company worked harder, or did more in this heavy labor, than “the captain.” Thursday night was cold and stormy. The rain fell in torrents on the weary watchers in the trenches, and, soon changing into sleet, their clothes froze upon them. By Friday evening, Captain Harrison's frame, never robust, gave way for a time, and he was compelled to retire to the hospital, where he lay quite sick all that night. Yet on Saturday morning, a great while before day, and against the remonstrances of his friends, he rose and returned to his command.

The officer who commanded the Fifty-sixth Regiment at this time, gave several instances of such zeal and daring on the part of Captain Harrison, that one cannot refrain from applying to him what Clarendon says of “that incomparable young man, Lord Falkland,” in his touching account of his death: “He had a courage of the most clear and keen temper, and so far from fear, that he seemed not without some appetite of danger.”

“You ought to be braver than the rest of us,” said some of his brother-officers to Captain Harrison one day, after witnessing some exhibition of his serene fearlessness in danger.

“Why so?” said he, pleasantly.

“Because,” said they, “you have everything settled for eternity. You have nothing to fear after death.”

“Well, gentlemen,” said he, solemnly, after a moment's pause, “you are right. Everything is settled, I trust, for eternity, and I have nothing to fear.”

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